antisemitism is getting out of hand

I can almost here @rodion’s little walkie talkie beepin and boopin as he’s quickly trying to shut it all down.
are safe and don't need shutting down
hating the fact that the jews have taken over America's foreign policy and those actions will lead to the destruction of Merica is not being a nazi.
hating the fact that the jews have no respect for any other religion or people is not being a nazi.
using the jews own "facts" and disproving or calling into question the extent of the holohoax is not being a nazi.
exposing the jews for creating this trangenderism craze is not being a nazi.
exposing the jews for deliberately crashing the economy under Yellen, and with the mortgage fiasco, health insurance disaster. et al., and promoting homosexuality so homos can buy children is not nazi.
exposing the jews that in practicing their "religion," still perform ritualistic animal sacrifice is not nazi.

your people are literally a band of talk show hosts and actors (pretenders) you serve no purpose other than to consume and hate.

Fuck Greater Israel.
May God save America and the world from the scheming and evil and satanic jew.

"These fucking jews lie to me every fucking time." JFK one month before the CIA and Israel assassinated him.
The jews took over a conspiracy that existed in the 19th century. It has been going on for a long time with Wieshaupts documents . Read the book controversy of zion by douglas reed. Its not just the jews its secret societies.
screeching about the jews again
absurd, they had only a secondary role in building this monstrous country (and a secondary role in tearing it down)

wanna know why the middle east is such a fucking mess? blame the British and the Turks for meddling in it for centuries.
the stupid americans came along much much later. Brits have to take as much blame for setting up Israel as anyone else.

and i suppose you think jews installed the shah in 1952?
or was it 1953? what does dickapedia say?

During World War II, the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran forced the abdication of Reza Shah and succession of Mohammad Reza Shah. During his reign, the British-owned oil industry was nationalized by the prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, who had support from Iran's national parliament to do so; however, Mosaddegh was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d'état, which was carried out by the Iranian military under the aegis of the United Kingdom and the United States. Subsequently, the Iranian government centralized power under the Shah and brought foreign oil companies back into the country's industry through the Consortium Agreement of 1954.[4]
see? it was just a "business decision" by British Petroleum and US oil companies
*takes a Tuesday toke at this*

Here's the real ethical question; if you fall for it, should you be subject to it?

After all, anyone who believes in racism simply believes that meaning is magically derived from superficial traits that need not be earned.

The belief that absolutely nothing makes you special.

I love all my racists because I know that none of them are special for anything. Let them fight amongst themselves! Let them fight over who has the most prized pointlessness!

I bet my race has less pointlessness than yours, because my race was taught to value more than what's skin deep.

To be clear, my race is a mental race called Judaism, which clocks past your race, the rat race, the inconsequentials who bicker over bullshit while every member of my race, no matter what race we supposedly look like, well fuck your definition collectively, unilaterally and you will enjoy it because you will be given the ability to BLAME.

Your end of the "race spectrum" can derive happiness from horseshit, so why not just give you that all the time while the rest of us just wear a funny label with a funny hat while we incessantly mock your willing stupidity!

No one ever said you had to play that game and yet... you play that game.

I think that's how the Jews perceive shit, cause they're largely just ugly white assholes who are always acting like they're better than everyone on the planet even though their imagined race is just... words and labels.

It's like they're mocking you by using words like skin color and you're all so fuckin retarded you never wake up and realize what's actually happening.

To be honest, a part of me agrees with them. If you're stupid enough to think the point of creation is superficiality, well I know exactly which part of creation you represent and it ain't any part of it that's "alive" in a relative sense.

You understand, you have like matter and energy. You can combine them in a way to produce living energy capable of controlling matter.

Matter is hollow.

Every atom... they're all hollow!

In terms of mass. In terms of energy, they're filled with stupid shit!

Replosive energy constructs, physical energy.

What you call the "mass" is just the debris that's stuck in rotational arrangement around the outside of the atom.

That's what most humans are... surface creation, not living creation.

Just because you can think doesn't mean you're aware.

There's growth in thought.

Every realization is an evolution of perception.

Some people grow themselves past physicality, past surface.

Other people, they're just happy to "be" something... they're never looking to create past themselves. That's why they believe in things like skin color.

It's not to say that race doesn't exist, it does, but the nature and point of race is differentiation.

How do you differentiate?

Why do you differentiate?

It makes sense for creation to use differentiation as a means to remove what doesn't create from creation. Like breaking down living food and shitting out what isn't useful to creation.

So if you're nitpicking over superficiality... it's because you know there's nothing creative about you. You're mental shit.

Good for growing lesser life for lesser purpose for lesser gain.

The Jews aren't actually any better, they're merely the matter on the INSIDE of the atom as opposed to the OUTSIDE of the atom.

What it is that I am... pure creative energy!

Infinite imagination!

I am the most important asshole in existence as determined by reality itself.

The rest of you... fight amongst your skin colors.

Fight amongst your imagined meanings.

Rolling you around as you scrape across the surface of nothing will probably make you last longer.

Has anyone experimented with that? Earthquake soil. Do plants grow better in vibration? Certain vibrations may speed up chemical reactions and make things grow faster.

Does your "the war" make you grow faster?

Kill yourselves more over your skin colors and there will be more for creative types to create from.

We will use your problems seeking pain to exemplify the glory of creation over senseless destruction!

Make yourselves useful to creation by BURNING for it!

Or, you know, grow a fuckin brain and come join Jesus and friends here in the cosmic center of creation itself.

Some people want to build shit, some people want to wreck shit... as long as both sides stay tha'fuck out of their way... we'll have coherent creation!

Unless you wanted to split the atom.

Imagine if random atoms started splitting themselves.

What if all your stupid particle collision experiments created micro cracks in every atom on Earth?

What if they all started symmetrically reflecting your suicidal stupidity?

We could wind up living in a world of random atomic explosions slowly increasing by the day, eventually leading up to a total atomic detonation event. Every atom on Earth would destabilize and split apart at once.

Atomic Popcorn Planet
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