Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
Quoting jewish propaganda is not helping your cause.or was it 1953? what does dickapedia say?
see? it was just a "business decision" by British Petroleum and US oil companies
Greater israel encompasses parts of Iran, or hopes to subvert it to jew rule. The collapse of a westernized and relatively peaceful muslim country was entirely scripted by the jews. It was the jews and then the masses of the liberal idiots claiming that the Shaw was a monster, however, this was Iran during his reign. And then the real "intellectuals" chimed with the petro dollar and other bullshit to further obfuscate the situation.
This in concert with the Soviets wanting to increase their influence in the region to 1) embarrass the west 2) wrest resources from the west 3) create a long lasting ally, I would say the Soviets overwhelmingly succeeded.
From the archives: Iran in the 1960s - in pictures
The march toward modernity coincided with Ayatollah Khomeini’s exile to Najaf in 1964, and the assassination of the secular prime minister Hassan Ali Mansour just a few months later. Meanwhile foreign firms, especially American ones, poured into the country. And for a period until the beginning...
Iran today.
Iran: From democracy to autocracy
A timeline of photos of historic events and leading figures in Iran since the 1950s.
What westerners don't understand is that the Shaw, Kaddafi, Assad, etc., are portrayed as "evil," because of harsh sentences, and "OH MY GOD THEY DON"T LET WOMEN VOTE/DRIVE/WALK IN PUBLIC ALONE, etc., You progressives are always talking about respecting cultures and diversity but you want some fag filled karen cunt driven society, in the end the only difference is fashion choices and on that topic you chastise them for that. You progressives need to leave them alone. The colonization of homosexual/socially corrosive ideas is a great insult to much of the world. (for fucks sakes the US is giving Afghanistan millions of dollars for transgender education - can you see how offensive that would be?)
When you have a minority of people bent on destroying a functioning society because it doesn't adhere to 7th Century customs you are left with little choice. Compare Libya today to when Kaddafi ruled it before he was mob executed. There are now open slave markets in Libya.
The goal of the jew is to rule through chaos. It's the only way they can rule. If everyone else is disorganized, then by comparison the jews are in charge because they are just a little more organized. They do it in every aspect of business and government. Look at the US.
The last four years the State department, treasury, DOJ, and Homeland security have been run by jews. What has happened? complete collapse of those agencies and absolute disaster within those sectors of government. Why? So they can present a "new" system because the "old" system is broken. The fucking jews broke it. Fuck them.
You'll need to cuck harder for the jews goyim