Bad, really bad web comics.

Call Me Tim


The creator:
RH lives in Toronto and works in UX/IA. They have a degree in Linguistics and a graduate degree in Information Studies. They identify as genderqueer non-binary and use gender-neutral pronouns such as ‘they’ or ‘zie/zir’. Specifically, they identify as a non-binary genderqueer peoplequeer mentally ill non-monogamous kinky critical feminist robot. Their hobbies include worrying, being concerned about things they can’t change, being angry, being uselessly angry, hiding from the world, and knitting.


> the tricky thing about being trans and having a mental illness


They have this thing now where you can't say it's a mental illness... like to the point where, if you try and quote shit out of the DSM-V... like, a direct citation... yeah, you'll get banned. Especially on Twitter. It's not just an echo chamber, it's an indoctrination chamber at this point. The goal is to work up to the normalization of pedophilia. That's what these alt-humans want because that's the only way their kind can reproduce... by molesting children.
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