i am still mainlining audiobooks
i have started and finished gilles deleuze and felix guattari's anti-oedipus: capitalism and schizophrenia
this is a very verbose book to sum up, buuut the basic idea is that capitalism produces the madness that psychoanalysts blame the parents for in the oedipal triangle of mommy, daddy, me by putting boss and the state in place of motherfucking and father. with this system all pervasive (written in 1972, it even chastizes the soviet union for still keeping the daddy-state) people tend to mentally castrate themselves by going along and worshipping the system.
i next, for a bit of a breather, listened to shadow over innsmouth. because fishmen.
i have also gotten further in potato book. the current chapter covers ireland's relationship with the potato, detailing how the irish peasant class lived and worked and i love it because it's not huge chunks describing plant leaves
currently listening to michel foucault's madness and civilization. about halfway through. this one's about how society, after learning it could take the lepers and put them elsewhere, decided afterwards to just do that with poor beggers and mentally unwell people... with the actual criminals. because what would brighten a suicidal person's day better than being shoved in a cell half-naked with a pile of straw to sleep on with a murderer for a cellmate? maybe making them work 14 hours a day with a 20 minute break for gruel? yeh, that should fix 'em right up