The repub establishment hated him from the start, so I reckoned he's worth something. He's a flawed man but he's the best we have.

Well, by your own logic, he doesn't have what's best in mind for the white race...

So, it looks like the liberals have the more based president after all...
I know 4 people who can speak Spanish - it didn't help any of them make more money. One works in retail managing a "dollar store" which attracts loads of mexcrement. Two work for the county school system, and one screens the Spanish calls for a large ambulance chasing law firm. All educated people who speak Spanish as their native language also speak English. So what language would help you? The obvious answer is Mandarin Chinese, and believe it or not, Russian.

This is the pretty model they use for the language course to entice White males to learn Spanish. She's probably from Eastern Europe and has no idea how to speak Spanish.


This is the blonde model they told to smile and look enthusiastic about learning a useless language.


This group looks like the Liberal Cuck Coalition - they want to learn Spanish so they can have deep philosophical conversations with the guy who cuts their grass.

He's not a republican. He's an elitist/racist. Which is funny. The average black person lives better than this tard.
I believe the USA is a constitutional republic, not a democracy
I'm not an elitist or a racist
I don't compare my life to other people because that's for the petty, jealous, and small minded who actually feel bad if you have a better car than they do. I'm relatively happy and living quite well. As for "pussy," I've had it often enough to know that it's not as great as the internet incel army seems to think it is.
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