Boy takes IQ test, ends up brain dead


A 12-year-old boy has been left brain dead after choking himself with a shoelace for a viral trend known as the ‘blackout challenge’, his family has said. Joshua Haileyesus, from Denver, Colorado, is in critical condition in hospital after apparently trying to choke himself until he passes out for a trend he saw on the popular video-sharing platform, TikTok. The boy’s father, Haileyesus Zeryihun, has said doctors have told the family that Joshua ‘isn’t going to make it’ and they should prepare to say goodbye. He believes the tragedy happened after his son tried to choke himself to see how long he could hold his breathe as part of a dangerous challenge on the internet.

Joshua’s father says that a few days before he was found, Joshua bragged to his brother he was able to hold his breath for a minute.

you know the thing about "if i have a bucket with x gallons and another with y how many buckets do i have" is that the answer isn't actually 2 but really cannot be determined. but the IQ test designers were just too stupid to realize that
Well, that problem naturally solved itself. Now, how do we resolve the next problem, its drain on society as a vegetable for 80 years.
Whatever happened to taking three deep breaths and blowing into your thumb really hard afterwards? Now you got weirdos making kids do BDSM challenges for their sick amusement :anhero:
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