
A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
Don't use Eurocuck statistics.
sweden, norway and northen europe in general are bad examples. those are countries where war on drugs/alcohol/tobacco was relatively successful and they mostly rely on non-cash payments. i've read that in sweden less than 1% off all transactions are in cash. no cash, no drugs (except buying from tor markets with *coin, yeah good luck with that in 2020), when you move to less cucked countries the numbers of drug users significantly rise. or maybe they just do legal drugs like half of american population tripping on opios and clones because it's (((medicine))). need some swede to verify


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
the conservative reaching for statistics on socialist sweden to point a way forward

why the fuck not
Sweden has a Nordic welfare state, but make no mistake, it employs free-market capitalism.

Call Me Tim

I have no argument. I am retarded.
sweden, norway and northen europe in general are bad examples. those are countries where war on drugs/alcohol/tobacco was relatively successful and they mostly rely on non-cash payments. i've read that in sweden less than 1% off all transactions are in cash. no cash, no drugs (except buying from tor markets with *coin, yeah good luck with that in 2020), when you move to less cucked countries the numbers of drug users significantly rise. or maybe they just do legal drugs like half of american population tripping on opios and clones because it's (((medicine))). need some swede to verify
I just used Sweden because they are the only ones taking a sensible approach to drugs and actually winning the war.
I gave you the Swedish stats on drug use. It's very low. In fact the lowest in all Europe and probably the lowest in the free world.
the conservative reaching for statistics on socialist sweden to point a way forward

why the fuck not
If it works, it works. Plus, the program stresses individual choices. And forces the drug user, if and when caught to face his or her consequences of his or her choices. It's a very conservative approach. None of this, "oh mommy yelled at me when I was eight for not taking out the trash and that's why I need to smoke pot."


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
I just used Sweden because they are the only ones taking a sensible approach to drugs and actually winning the war.
I gave you the Swedish stats on drug use. It's very low. In fact the lowest in all Europe and probably the lowest in the free world.

If it works, it works. Plus, the program stresses individual choices. And forces the drug user, if and when caught to face his or her consequences of his or her choices. It's a very conservative approach. None of this, "oh mommy yelled at me when I was eight for not taking out the trash and that's why I need to smoke pot."
Don't get me wrong, i have no love for drugs, don't use them and have no love for druggies either but swedish totalitarian approach to the subject is also kinda shit. Of course drugs shouldn't be legal but ridding of them isn't exactly good thing (ekhm, american prohibition), people who want to do them will always try to find the way to do so, like getting high on benzydamine extracted from intimate hygiene soap in powder. In Poland 90'/00' were time of massive war against drugs and what was the result? People started doing designer drugs, which is worse since designer drugs are just random substitutes made to avoid the law so side effects are most often tested on the final customer, so when you OD (which is quite often given the nature of those substances) doctors don't even know how to treat you. Krokodil and kot on ukraine are other of numerous examples i don't want to get myself into.

And it's not like sweden created a generation of enlightened youth that refuses to deal with drugs. Just two weeks ago i've met a couple who were raised in sweden (although they both weren't born there), they came to my town because it was the dude's hometown so he brought his filipino girlfriend to show her land of his ancestors, aaand as quick as they got the feeling they are off the leash they spent entire two weeks of their vacation smoking all the weed they can find, so much for the young people not doing drugs lol.


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Pants? Thats a new one.
We smoked through a bike handlebar once, but that was about the limit of our creativity.


Dildo Collector
Been a week or two already, but here's the story of my one and only LSD trip.

My weed guy at that time asked me if I want some black micros because the guy he got them for did not show up, so I bought them...why not. Had been trying LSD a few times already but it never had an effect, most likely the doses were too small and/or the stuff was crap.

So I drove to a friend to smoke some, and when showing the micros to him his stepdad (weird family, I can tell ya) asked if he can have a fourth or so. While I sat there trying to cut one with a razor he obviously assumed the ones lying on the table are the cut pieces already, so he swallowed one faster than I could say "ugh, that was a whole one!".
So my friend said "well, now it's gonna be party time anyway, so I have a half too". Both of them were pretty experienced with LSD already while my choice of drug at that time was weed and MDMA.

Took a half too then, and when there was still no effect after an hour or so I was pretty disappointed, I was used to the MDMA pills kicking in after 15-30 minutes already, and so I took another half.
2 hours later: still nothng, will the stepdad was already pointing out how much he is tripping from such a tiny micro. Aaaand I swallowed another half.

3 hours after dropping the first half: wohoo, an effect, walls started to get all wavy, this was fun! Another friend came over so he took a half too....and so did I.
Now the tiled floor started to change colors and go up and down in a chessboard pattern, still fun!

We started to watch TV, the newly arrived guy sat kinda in front of me, after a little his head started to change it's form with huge bubbles wandering all over it. Suddenly I had a "damn, that's a little too much" feeling, also the eyes of the people on TV were all staring at me, so I started to freak out a little and wanted to get home to "sleep it off" (as if that would work lol).
The guys tried to convince me to stay and NOT to drive, but no chance. The drive home was about 30 minutes mostly on country roads through forests, the road had the shape of a U, just like a bobsled track, and the cockpit had all kinds of weird colors jumping into my face.

While pushing myself even deeper into a horror trip by thinking "oh god, if cops stop me I go straight to the loonie bin" I made it back home. Turned on the TV, which was soothing at first, but when I watched Star Trek TNG the eyes of Data were too much, so I turned it off and tried to sleep.
But when looking at the ceiling in the dark room suddenly a huge crack opened there and light came out of it. Sleeping was impossible, so back to TV. But wait, what is that annoying noise? Sounds like a drunk retard is bashing against the stop sign in front of the house. Looked out the window, and it was definitey the stop sign....but nobody was there.

More TV. Suddenly the picture on the screen froze, then it slided out of the TV and broke into millions of tiny colorful pieces when hitting the floor. Sounds like fun, but I was absolutely horrified, thinking about how I heard that sometimes such trips never stop.
Checked the clock trying to calculate how long this might last, but the second hand on the clock moved back and forth, and sometimes stopped completely.

Sat cross-legged on my bed, and then: blackout. The next thing I know is that I still sat in the exact same way but some hours must have passed already because the sun already started to come out. The curtains were still wavy and everything was like in a mist, but I was so glad the worst effects had worn off.

Never touched that crap again.
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