
I drank half a bottle of Kilmarnock whiskey when I was 16. I was ridiculously drunk for the entire evening, made a fool of myself in front of some very understanding people and then went the fuck to sleep. No puking whatsoever, no hangover on the next day.

I also dropped some acid with an ANTIFA girl some years ago. Not much of an experience, just made my eyes hurt by the light. She was out of it though.

Nowadays all I really do is just drink some red wine before I go to sleep. I prefer to pass out all peaceful-like, y'know?


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
Nowadays all I really do is just drink some red wine before I go to sleep. I prefer to pass out all peaceful-like, y'know?
People who drink alcohol before going to bed end up getting low quality sleep. They don’t get the deep REM sleep that’s so necessary for good health.


taking a break from drinking smoking weed and popping klonopin
ive been experimenting with nootropics
took 1500mgs of phenibut
its defiantly a mood enhancer

i have adrafanil but havent really taken it alot especially once @Baka took 10 and didnt feel shit
I'm Bored.....

Should I eat these?


Dildo Collector
Should I eat these?
How is that even a question, everyone should have some decent Hieronymus Bosch style hallucinations every now and then!

The last guy I knew that had some popped up on a tiny island in the local river, which is right in the inner city, and stood there ranting and yelling about how his "bread is frozen". When the cops came he whipped out a spoon and threatened to scoop his eyes out....but been too much of a pussy to pull it through in the end.
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