Car thread obligatory

what a "charming" and "heartwarming" story :sad:

The Buick dealer has a website with a chat window
u know wht to do
and now i find that this story made the front page of the Journal Sentinel
with a photo of the sticker
i keep reading that the Lucid Air makes any Tesla look like shit
but that's just what I have read

meanwhile......the investor class is telling people to invest in tesla because lucid is losing money bc OMGSOEXPENSIVEOOOOOO
Since April 2019, Lucid has been majority-owned by the Public Investment Fund, which is the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia. Other investors include large index fund managers like the Vanguard Group, BlackRock, and State Street Corporation.

Yah for 250K you could almost buy a house.
When talking about the range of EVs, the words “estimated” and “may” are liberally used. The manufacturer’s range claims NEVER match up with reality and, in fact, are always massively exaggerated.


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