Car thread obligatory

OH. MY. GOD. You went THERE

i got there by walking, too
which is something you are physically incapable of

when you get to walmart do you have a thinner person bring your groceries out to you or do you waddle n wheeze to the "mobility scooter" because you have "bad knees"?

I've seen it. Its a shame there wont be any govt bans on those stupid things for the next 4 years
may i recommend the boulevard book?

i got there by walking, too
which is something you are physically incapable of

when you get to walmart do you have a thinner person bring your groceries out to you or do you waddle n wheeze to the "mobility scooter" because you have "bad knees"?

may i recommend the boulevard book?
View attachment 31124
View attachment 31125
Looks cool thanks. Ill see how much a copy is
i got there by walking, too
which is something you are physically incapable of

when you get to walmart do you have a thinner person bring your groceries out to you or do you waddle n wheeze to the "mobility scooter" because you have "bad knees"?
Believe me short stuff sistah, I am thinner than you, taller than you, younger than you, and devoid of a sweet tooth!

may i recommend the boulevard book?
View attachment 31124
Good Lord, what on Trump's hairy asshole is that hideous nail colour??
because you have "bad knees"
I have a story about this @minty

My 9th grade biology teacher's name was Mrs. Bad Knee (not the actual spelling, duh)

There was this one time where everyone in the class except for me was fucking around and she was going to not give us the homework and then give us a 0 on that homework because she was in her mood.

I said the word "bitch" out loud in the middle of a cacophony and all of a sudden the entire classroom got indescribably quiet.

This is the one and only time I got detention. I had to clean up the class afterschool. And I made friends with her because she was justifiably upset and the fucking stupid kids not shutting the fuck up and I was right with her and explained it.

I got an A+ in that class. Suck it!

I skipped the earth science class because I was smart.
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