Sorry maybe it's my old eyes, but I don't see many of them ebil negras in this photo.
Your willful ignorance is almost astounding.

The negro isn't evil. Rather, the negro simply behaves like a negro. Nothing more than that. But if you believe the negro thinks or reasons like you or me, well then by all means start making a habit of taking midnight strolls in negrofied cities where you can speak at length about physics or mathematics with the urban yoof.
True. Now they do. But it gave them a pause and they shifted tactics to go the Sein Finn route instead of using the IRA route. And congressmen and Senators weren't their only mode of attack. They pushed the NEA which is the biggest leftist union in the country and oversees the tone of education in the US. The reason why leftist ideas are seen as smart is directly due to them.
Ok so why are you blaming Obama, who is center right, as somehow being responsible for communists who have been around for a century
Ok so why are you blaming Obama, who is center right, as somehow being responsible for communists who have been around for a century
How is Obama center right? He was voted most progressive-liberal by his own peers. No I'm saying his policies allowed them to reestablish and gain momentum.
Dem niggas are comming!!
The point being is white liberals allowed this system to be implemented. Once implemented however good the intentions they abused it for political purposes. The end result is what we have today. But, I really don't see how a law passed in the early sixties would directly be the cause of your failures at life. Hmmmm sounds like the blacks who blame slavery because they were pinched for stealing a TV.
Change the fucking law then you twit. You can't because you're not Merican. Now don't make me freedom you.
Ahh, I see, it's the law and order thought process. While YOU try to obey the law, Tyrone's entire 'career' is based upon violating the law. And the same with his momma, his papa who he's never seen, his cousins, his baby momma, and his whole extended family.

Now tell me, how are you going to get California to turn red so you can change the law? Texas is about to flip...and that's a problem. Chicago is full of diversity and it makes sure that Illinois stays blue. Are ya gonna "reason" with these people?

Ahh, I see, it's the law and order thought process. While YOU try to obey the law, Tyrone's entire 'career' is based upon violating the law. And the same with his momma, his papa who he's never seen, his cousins, his baby momma, and his whole extended family.

Now tell me, how are you going to get California to turn red so you can change the law? Texas is about to flip...and that's a problem. Chicago is full of diversity and it makes sure that Illinois stays blue. Are ya gonna "reason" with these people?

As you've shown, the possibility of reasoning with them is far greater than reasoning with you.
The point being is white liberals allowed this system to be implemented. Once implemented however good the intentions they abused it for political purposes. The end result is what we have today. But, I really don't see how a law passed in the early sixties would directly be the cause of your failures at life. Hmmmm sounds like the blacks who blame slavery because they were pinched for stealing a TV.
I'll tell you what. I'm giving you a homework assignment.

I want you to look up the current ethnic demographics of the United States. Then, go look at the demographics back when Hart-Cellar was passed. Then, go look at the current and 1965 demographics of California. See if you can detect when and why California - the most populous state w/the most congressmen - flipped from red to blue.

Then, I want you to follow the demographic trends from about 1980 to today and note the gains the Democrats made in states all over the country. Now, as a percentage of the population, the negro cohort has not appreciably grown, but the types of political candidates negroes always vote for have been getting into local, state and even federal positions at increasing rates. This should tell you something about the link between third world immigration and the fawning treatment our government has given to the negro for many years.

Finally, I want a full report on your findings delivered to me later today. And, I will need a sincere apology from you to me for the mind-numbing and clueless commentary you have posted.

Do YOU understand?
Just because you dont understand things doesnt mean your incorrect idea is the truth
No there is literally no difference when using those words in Merica. They are often interchanged. That is by design.

The core beliefs of the democrat, liberal, progressive, socialist and communist are literally the same. In fact in late 40's the President of the Socialists of America resigned because, "The democrat party has adopted all our points."

The only real difference, if you really want to split hairs is how they implement their changes. Progressives lean towards the romantic vision of "revolution," standing a top of thousands of dead "fascists."
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Nonsense. With the amount of immigration from non-white countries that has been allowed to enter the US, you will NEVER get enough of the states to agree on changing the Constitution.

But do you love your country? Are YOU willing to become a radical to save it? Do you think it's worth saving? Or are we to just watch the slow decline of the nation as it eventually is overrun with the muds and turns into a third world shithole?
Apologies for intruding into this shitshow. Say, hypothetically speaking, that America was prepared to take the necessary steps to cleanse it's body and soul. We get rid of the blacks, latinos etc. What should happen to the exceptions? By this I mean the individual, irrespective of race, who has adopted American values and lives by them. Should they be tossed out with the trash too?
Apologies for intruding into this shitshow. Say, hypothetically speaking, that America was prepared to take the necessary steps to cleanse it's body and soul. We get rid of the blacks, latinos etc. What should happen to the exceptions? By this I mean the individual, irrespective of race, who has adopted American values and lives by them. Should they be tossed out with the trash too?
That’s a very good question and it gets at what the US should have been doing in terms of immigration: allow the few people who have specialized skills that the US needs to remain in the US. That includes certain farm workers, but NONE of them should be rewarded for squeezing out a spiclet on US soil. Birthright citizenship is insane and it was not the intention of the 14th Amendment’s writers for it to apply to foreigners in the US. It was created expressly to allow former slaves to become citizens.

The US ostensibly has a total population of almost 330 million. If you include the illegals and the visa overstays, the population is probably closer to 350+ million. That’s far too many people by about 70 million.

Almost all population growth in the US for the past 30 years is due to immigration. 95% of that immigration is from non-white countries. I never voted for or wanted massive demographic change in my country. There are now more non-white children from ages 0-5 than white children of the same age.

Why does the US have to be the dumping ground for every shitskin who wants to leave its backwards third world hellhole? Japan doesn’t allow it. China doesn’t allow it. Even Mexico doesn’t allow it and it has a much more restrictive immigration policy than the US.
That’s a very good question and it gets at what the US should have been doing in terms of immigration: allow the few people who have specialized skills that the US needs to remain in the US. That includes certain farm workers, but NONE of them should be rewarded for squeezing out a spiclet on US soil. Birthright citizenship is insane and it was not the intention of the 14th Amendment’s writers for it to apply to foreigners in the US. It was created expressly to allow former slaves to become citizens.

The US ostensibly has a total population of almost 330 million. If you include the illegals and the visa overstays, the population is probably closer to 350+ million. That’s far too many people by about 70 million.

Almost all population growth in the US for the past 30 years is due to immigration. 95% of that immigration is from non-white countries. I never voted for or wanted massive demographic change in my country. There are now more non-white children from ages 0-5 than white children of the same age.

Why does the US have to be the dumping ground for every shitskin who wants to leave its backwards third world hellhole? Japan doesn’t allow it. China doesn’t allow it. Even Mexico doesn’t allow it and it has a much more restrictive immigration policy than the US.
if you are going to pretend to be a teenage girl please do not use words like ostensibly, and talk about your voting record, in your essays about immigrants
liberal is center right, the others are left. communism is hyperauthoritarian socialism
Your word salad is tiresome. "hyperautortitarian socialism." Socialism is authoritarian. What is "hyperautoritarian?" If you jump into a pool and then get out because it's raining are you getting wetter?

Again you don't know Merica. Because you're too busy masturbating over America ripping itself apart.
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