I just can't stop thinking about black cocks.
What LIC and I have been talking about is completely separate from crime stats. I know you can't differentiate subjects when pertaining to blacks because you trannie mind gets consumed with the vision of black peni.
When the mexicans start burning down Tucson just go ask them if theyre antifa members or not, simple
You think ANITFAggot is a completely white organization? Seriously? Not down here. There are several leftist groups loosely or directly affiliated with ANTIFAggot here. They work in such a tight concert it's safe to say they are one and the same. I mean you wouldn't really know that since your'e over 14000 miles away and I'm guessing never been to Tucson.
You think ANITFAggot is a completely white organization? Seriously? Not down here. There are several leftist groups loosely or directly affiliated with ANTIFAggot here. They work in such a tight concert it's safe to say they are one and the same. I mean you wouldn't really know that since your'e over 14000 miles away and I'm guessing never been to Tucson.
Thats why i said to ask them?

Im getting genuinely concerned about your mental health
Why must you use such reprehensible language? You toss around the N-word so casually.
yeah because unlike you I don't judge a person by their skin color alone. but with the way you think and post, Queef you're the biggest nigger I've ever met. You replace one or two words in each one of your posts and you sound like the typical street thug black supremacist. And those people have neat little color coded charts to in their arguments.
Fuck off trannie.
What LIC and I have been talking about is completely separate from crime stats. I know you can't differentiate subjects when pertaining to blacks because you trannie mind gets consumed with the vision of black peni.
Wrong. You cannot separate crime stats, looting, arson, and the endemic criminal behaviour of the negro. Crime and the negro are moth to a flame.
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