
LoL the only number that is close to % of population is DUI
Chemical dependency, mental issues or not, the victim us just as abused, raped, victimized or dead.
The liberal crying of "these people need to be treated, not jailed," doesn't wash, and is a dangerous thing to do. Merica has a different culture than other countries and it has been shown when released, violent felons commit another violent crime within five years of release.

Leave them in there. Lawyers are rich enough.
Chemical dependency, mental issues or not, the victim us just as abused, raped, victimized or dead.
The liberal crying of "these people need to be treated, not jailed," doesn't wash, and is a dangerous thing to do. Merica has a different culture than other countries and it has been shown when released, violent felons commit another violent crime within five years of release.

Leave them in there. Lawyers are rich enough.
Ill just say that no one should be arrested for "resisting arrest", drug use period or for selling weed mushroom or lsd.
We would save trillions ignoring that bullshit and maybe refunding mental health facilities (proven to save money in europe)
IDC about people arrested for violent crimes, home invasions or sex criminals, they deserve attention from big gay bubba.
Ill just say that no one should be arrested for "resisting arrest", drug use period or for selling weed mushroom or lsd.
We would save trillions ignoring that bullshit and maybe refunding mental health facilities (proven to save money in europe)
IDC about people arrested for violent crimes, home invasions or sex criminals, they deserve attention from big gay bubba.
What if violent felons are resisting arrest?
What if drugs get violent and bullets that kill people resist arrest?
( sorry, i can't help but be a spergy fuckhead )
But seriously, I am going to open myself up to ridicule and derision, and "coolstory,bro". I was in and out of jail for literally decades... treatment programs, massive butthurt, et cetera ad infinitum.
Five years ago, I just stopped doing drugs and drinking alcohol. No twelve-step horseshit, no psychbabble zoloft bullshit, just all stop.
I have not had occasion to speak with or have any personal interaction with any law enforcement officer since then. I always have a couple thousand bucks in my wallet now, and once in a while I will walk around town and hand out a couple hundred in twenties to some of the poor bastards who have not been so fortunate. I feel sorry that a lot of people never find a way out of that dopesick lifestyle, but I sure don't miss it, and I can't agree more with that guy in the twitter link up there that says don't fuck up and quit your complainin'. TL;DR I know. Sorry.
What if drugs get violent and bullets that kill people resist arrest?
( sorry, i can't help but be a spergy fuckhead )
But seriously, I am going to open myself up to ridicule and derision, and "coolstory,bro". I was in and out of jail for literally decades... treatment programs, massive butthurt, et cetera ad infinitum.
Five years ago, I just stopped doing drugs and drinking alcohol. No twelve-step horseshit, no psychbabble zoloft bullshit, just all stop.
I have not had occasion to speak with or have any personal interaction with any law enforcement officer since then. I always have a couple thousand bucks in my wallet now, and once in a while I will walk around town and hand out a couple hundred in twenties to some of the poor bastards who have not been so fortunate. I feel sorry that a lot of people never find a way out of that dopesick lifestyle, but I sure don't miss it, and I can't agree more with that guy in the twitter link up there that says don't fuck up and quit your complainin'. TL;DR I know. Sorry.
Thats what I mean about mental health services. You give a panhandler a couple twenties and they stay out there longer and if they are actually homeless its a good chance that money is gonna be drank, snorted, or injected away. Most people wouldn't mind that coming out of taxes ( 1% of the fucking budget) and you can put the mentally ill homeless in a building that can keep them from getting too high and seeing professionals to help them get clean and enter the workforce.
Simple Solution: Kill the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life. That includes people who use the evil weed.

There is no such thing as 'addiction'. There are only choices. Everyone in America has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume drugs. If you're using drugs, you can CHOOSE to stop using them. Why should non-druggies be forced to pay for the treatment and housing of these morons who CHOOSE to use drugs and then CHOOSE to keep using drugs? F them.
Simple Solution: Kill the druggies or put 'em in prison/chain gangs for life. That includes people who use the evil weed.

There is no such thing as 'addiction'. There are only choices. Everyone in America has the freedom to choose whether or not to consume drugs. If you're using drugs, you can CHOOSE to stop using them. Why should non-druggies be forced to pay for the treatment and housing of these morons who CHOOSE to use drugs and then CHOOSE to keep using drugs? F them.
Good luck with that, tho... tellit to the cartel leaders who buy senators and judges like so much ham and eggs for breakfast. There is no forcing the world to straighten up and fly right, there is no cure for avarice. I can only control me, and it took a really long time to be mature enough to do that. I hope some day you can too.
Good luck with that, tho... tellit to the cartel leaders who buy senators and judges like so much ham and eggs for breakfast. There is no forcing the world to straighten up and fly right, there is no cure for avarice. I can only control me, and it took a really long time to be mature enough to do that. I hope some day you can too.
I don't use drugs. Never have used them. But I know of people who use all sorts of illicit drugs. I know people who abuse prescription drugs. I know people who abuse alcohol. I have ZERO empathy for the lot of them because each and every one of them CHOOSES to engage in destructive behaviour.

Why should I or anyone who has self-discipline and makes the correct choices in life be on the financial hook for ANY of these druggie a-holes? Herd them into aircraft and drop them in the open ocean from 6000 metres. Let the sharks and fish have them.
All your edgy final solution pipedreams are fine with me and you can fantasize about them all you want, but that hate is going to kill you before it harms a hair on a greasy dope fiend's head.
It's not hate, rather I consider it being practical. Pouring ever more tax money into the 'rehabilitation' of these mouth breathing morons is exceedingly wasteful. Why not go the way of Singapore and make it a capital offense to use or possess illicit drugs? It would save soooo much money and rid America of the druggie creatures that destroy society.
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