I said may be

This is the most widespread insurrection in US history and its happened in the space of 5 days

......Theres currently a riot starting in North Dakota
LOL no.
The violence that preceded the US civil war was far more lingering and extensive. Nearly 30 years and far more deadly with REAL destruction. Farms ruined, entire families butchered suspected supporters of either side having their businesses openly destroyed etc. Rioters engaged US Federal troops routed them and took control of the city or townships. None of these people are near that level. nor will they. They are too concentrated on getting their 4K tvs. There was a real purpose and underlying movement to the US Civil war. This crap of "Justice for Floyd" is hollow. The rioters know that. ANTIFAggots and BigLameMorons know that that's why they are moving into the cities and causing problems. The liberal SOP is to withdraw the police, give them room to destroy, remember that?

You want to know how hollow this attempt is?

I bet you if the city governments dropped off pallets of pot everyone would take some and go home. This is not about Floyd. The socialists have been trying to instigate a revolution in the US for over 60 years. Yes this may be the closest they have come but they do not have unifying cause. Just wait until some of these "protesters" start burning someone's parent's house in another city. Wait until some ANTIFAggot's grandma is killed by one of these rioters. This will dry up and blow away faster than you can say, "AAAAAA SHHHHHHEEEEEEEEIIIIIIT. "
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