You have a genuine severe mental disability if thats what you took from nicks post
You're a fucking idiot. Or trolling or both. Don't care. He literally said, "People are blaming ANTIFAggots because they are white and no blame can be assessed to non-whites. When in fact it is whites clad in ANTIFAggot gear hootingin front of burning PD stations, symbols of government. They have a symbolic and propaganda agenda in these riots. They are putting out images of them attacking the government and triumphing. It's fucking propaganda 101.

This is a shitty time in America. You can barely contain your glee. Merica will get through this and this will be just another stupid period where retards went full retard. Nothing more.

This faggot is actually defending white communists that will hang him from a street lamp post.
Wrong. He's saying that whenever the boot lipped spear chuckers go apeshit, excuses are ALWAYS made for them by blaming evil whitey for controlling and directing them or for directly causing the destruction. IOW, there's always an excuse for Tyrone's outbursts.
You're a fucking idiot. Or trolling or both. Don't care. He literally said, "People are blaming ANTIFAggots because they are white and no blame can be assessed to non-whites. When in fact it is whites clad in ANTIFAggot gear hootingin front of burning PD stations, symbols of government. They have a symbolic and propaganda agenda in these riots. They are putting out images of them attacking the government and triumphing. It's fucking propaganda 101.

This is a shitty time in America. You can barely contain your glee. Merica will get through this and this will be just another stupid period where retards went full retard. Nothing more.
See you genuinely dont understand

That's ok though, its been increasingly apparent that your brain is starting to deteriorate. I'll explain it for you

The rioters are overwhelmingly black. Mainstream conservatives and libs will crawl over broken glass to blame white people for the actions of niggers

That's why they went from "protesters" to "antifa terrorists"
Wrong. He's saying that whenever the boot lipped spear chuckers go apeshit, excuses are ALWAYS made for them by blaming evil whitey for controlling and directing them or for directly causing the destruction. IOW, there's always an excuse for Tyrone's outbursts.
IT IS ANTIFAggots though.
He's ANTIFAggot sheilding you dumb cunt.
IT IS ANTIFAggots though.
He's ANTIFAggot sheilding you dumb cunt.
Wrong again. Although antifa ARE evil whiteys, Fuentes is trying to point out the fact that blacks are always treated like children - they're never fully held accountable for their actions.

Democrats and certain Republicans alike are railing against Soros and his white minions, but they refuse to admit the obvious: Negroes, as a whole, are completely incompatible with western democracies. No matter how many trillions of tax dollars are funneled to them in welfare and other gimmedats, they simply cannot behave in a manner that produces well functioning and productive societies.

Name one majority black country in the world that ISN'T a clusterf*ck. Name one majority black city in the US that isn't a disaster.

Yes, ANTIFA and Commies are involved. The extent of their involvement varies by state to state, city by city.


The looters are not ANTIFA. They are mongloids. We can't use this as an excuse to ignore that this falls overwhelmingly on Blacks.
I can only see dem black peeple doing sheet.


what level sunblock to you thing these fine young negro women use.
They were arrested attacking cops with a molotov.
seems to be a lot of ANTIFAggot dressed people in this clip.
And this one.
And many others. I'm not saying BLM doesn't deserve the blame also they are the black wing of ANTIFA but to say ANTIFA isn't the driving force of this thing trying to get political propaganda shots out of the event. Rioters seemed to be concentrating on looting. Immediate gratification. ANTIFAggots and BigLameMorons are concentrated on propaganda shots.
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