
Barb let Chris fuck her on purpose.

This might have been said already, but I can't be bothered to read through a 430+ page thread that's growing faster than I can read.
So, hear me out:
- Barb is a cunning bitch. We know this.
- She knows her son is mentally handicapped but still loves him. Their weird relationship is proof of that.
- There is information pointing to Barb not being as demented as she acts, but purposefully putting on a show in order to get more money coming in.
- We know Barb has a horrendous mountain of debt that she can hardly pay off.
- We know, and she knows, that one day in the not-so-distant future, she will inevitably bite the dust. When this happens, due to her debt, Chris will be living on the street.

So, here comes the plan:
- Her future goals, combining what we know about her, will be comprised of two main points:
  1. She wants herself to be provided for until the day she dies.
  2. Once she's gone, she wants Chris to be provided for
- Knowing Chris, his mental illness, and his pattern of trusting random female voices from the internet, she comes up with the following steps:
  1. Initiate a sexual relationship with her son. That's her sacrifice.
  2. Wait until her son inevitably spills the beans and the trolls call in another welfare check.
  3. She will land in an institution for the elderly, provided for by the state.
  4. Chris will be charged but is, due to his mental illness, more likely to be institutionalized instead of going to prison. The state will provide for him, too.
  5. She can live out her life in peace and will ultimately die knowing that her son receives the medical care he needs and won't have to sleep on the street.
This is what a cunning bitch with a handicapped son whom she nonetheless loves would do. Her sacrifice is, in the wider picture, relatively small, as the whole world anyway already looked at them as being crazy people.


Barb let Chris fuck her on purpose.

This might have been said already, but I can't be bothered to read through a 430+ page thread that's growing faster than I can read.
So, hear me out:
- Barb is a cunning bitch. We know this.
- She knows her son is mentally handicapped but still loves him. Their weird relationship is proof of that.
- There is information pointing to Barb not being as demented as she acts, but purposefully putting on a show in order to get more money coming in.
- We know Barb has a horrendous mountain of debt that she can hardly pay off.
- We know, and she knows, that one day in the not-so-distant future, she will inevitably bite the dust. When this happens, due to her debt, Chris will be living on the street.

So, here comes the plan:
- Her future goals, combining what we know about her, will be comprised of two main points:
  1. She wants herself to be provided for until the day she dies.
  2. Once she's gone, she wants Chris to be provided for
- Knowing Chris, his mental illness, and his pattern of trusting random female voices from the internet, she comes up with the following steps:
  1. Initiate a sexual relationship with her son. That's her sacrifice.
  2. Wait until her son inevitably spills the beans and the trolls call in another welfare check.
  3. She will land in an institution for the elderly, provided for by the state.
  4. Chris will be charged but is, due to his mental illness, more likely to be institutionalized instead of going to prison. The state will provide for him, too.
  5. She can live out her life in peace and will ultimately die knowing that her son receives the medical care he needs and won't have to sleep on the street.
This is what a cunning bitch with a handicapped son whom she nonetheless loves would do. Her sacrifice is, in the wider picture, relatively small, as the whole world anyway already looked at them as being crazy people.
They both must die


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor


Do you quack like a duck when you suck?
Did the fat chick that coaxed this info out of chris been doxxed yet? What's gonna happen to the discord circlejerk of people erping with chris


Kiwifarms is down now, right after it was revealed chris bought a book on having sex while disabled(presumably to rape his mom)
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