I think I'm showing symptoms of COVID -19 now. I noticed I'm having a dry cough and some throat tightness tonight. I'm not running a fever as of the last time I checked (it was 97F).
Same here. I work in a restaurant and the only symptom they care about is fever, i.e. over 100F. Normal temperature, but every morning I wake with a sore throat and a manageable cough. Heh. Hope I don't got the wuflu.
I think I'm showing symptoms of COVID -19 now. I noticed I'm having a dry cough and some throat tightness tonight. I'm not running a fever as of the last time I checked (it was 97F).
1. Have you had any known exposure to the Rona
2. Any underlying conditions that put you at higher risk if you get Rona (high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, immune diseases or obesity)
3. Do you live in a multi generational household where you can make alot of ppl sick that live with you?
Same here. I work in a restaurant and the only symptom they care about is fever, i.e. over 100F. Normal temperature, but every morning I wake with a sore throat and a manageable cough. Heh. Hope I don't got the wuflu.
1. Have you had any known exposure to the Rona
2. Any underlying conditions that put you at higher risk if you get Rona (high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, immune diseases or obesity)
3. Do you live in a multi generational household where you can make alot of ppl sick that live with you?
Lol people are contagious 72hrs before they're febrile, if the fever ever even presents.
Yeah theres apparently clusters of symptoms ppl get, some ppl get the fever, respiratory symptoms, ect etc. Others get the weirdo GI ones, some lose taste/smell, others dont...
Its a fucking weird virus. At first i wasnt seeing alot of ppl with elevated liver enzymes with it either. Just high white counts n CK. Now its flipped, moderately high CK, high af liver enzymes, but no white counts.
Seems like the hypertensive ppl get the worst of it in my experience.
1. Have you had any known exposure to the Rona
2. Any underlying conditions that put you at higher risk if you get Rona (high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, immune diseases or obesity)
3. Do you live in a multi generational household where you can make alot of ppl sick that live with you?
1. Not knowingly.
2. Sickle cell anemia, that's about the only thing.
3. Live with a bunch of beaners i.e. 5 or so people, l limit my contact with them. My own room; hardly talk to them.
Yeah theres apparently clusters of symptoms ppl get, some ppl get the fever, respiratory symptoms, ect etc. Others get the weirdo GI ones, some lose taste/smell, others dont...
Its a fucking weird virus. At first i wasnt seeing alot of ppl with elevated liver enzymes with it either. Just high white counts n CK. Now its flipped, moderately high CK, high af liver enzymes, but no white counts.
Seems like the hypertensive ppl get the worst of it in my experience.
Yeah. It's strange. I've only had a handful of critically ill covid± pts. They've all had a hx of CHF or were on dialysis or something. We've caught a handful that were never symptomatic.
1. Not knowingly.
2. Sickle cell anemia, that's about the only thing.
3. Live with a bunch of beaners i.e. 5 or so people, l limit my contact with them. My own room; hardly talk to them.
Monitor. Wash hands. Alot. Avoid them. Alot.

This disease is hard on sickle cell pts. Can cause a relapse sickle cell crisis. apparently according to literature:
Yeah. It's strange. I've only had a handful of critically ill covid± pts. They've all had a hx of CHF or were on dialysis or something. We've caught a handful that were never symptomatic.
Theres been alot of false negatives too.
Most of my critically ill ones have had hypertension, though it was controlled prior to the disease. The Rona dont like the high BP.
Theres been alot of false negatives too.
Most of my critically ill ones have had hypertension, though it was controlled prior to the disease. The Rona dont like the high BP.
Yeah, the flu swab was only 90% effective, makes you wonder about how many false negatives are running about. We've caught several where they tested neg in the nursing home on sendoffs to state labs but out in-house showed them as positive
Yeah, the flu swab was only 90% effective, makes you wonder about how many false negatives are running about. We've caught several where they tested neg in the nursing home on sendoffs to state labs but out in-house showed them as positive
We're retesting all nursing home pts.
We started a two step test, one rapid for antigen results, if that comes back negative then we do a send out for the pcr viral dna one
We're retesting all nursing home pts.
We started a two step test, one rapid for antigen results, if that comes back negative then we do a send out for the pcr viral dna one

Just cleaning out grandpop/ma no one cares about after his/her dementia hearing when sis was granted power of attorney.

Just cleaning out grandpop/ma no one cares about after his/her dementia hearing and sis was granted power of attorney.
We got Death panels in parts of the Borderlands who are deciding which old ppl are probably gonna die from this and sending old ppl home to die, no treatment cuz we cant waste resources.
Fucking sucks. Abuela n Pop Pop shouldnt have to die like that.
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