Crypto and Stonks


Doctor Diarrhea
EDF2 Survivor
lol, dead cat bounce

Haven't looked at my portfolio since the FUCKING CARNAGE... I mean shit got real bad.
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EDF2 Survivor
I think DCAing into shit projects is the only way to make good returns on them. Like this turd called POLX for example.


EDF2 Survivor
Following the whales is probably to only way if you're buying any of that DeFi hogwash. Thought myself someone must be out of their mind for buying Sushiswap tokens for $2.5 a piece for a million or two, but he definitely made it.

I'm sort of worried for the state of the market because a lot of those whales I've followed hold mainly stablecoins, with the occasional discounted VC garbage coin that dumped 80% in two days.

This whole Matic thing is a fiasco when it comes to techmology, but the fundamentals really don't matter. However it takes only about five people dishonest enough to clean everyone holding that turd.


EDF2 Survivor
this is the most rekt trash project I've ever seen, the graphs look like the walls of Mordor


EDF2 Survivor
It's the dead cat bouncerino ::waha::

Somebody's needs to write an article about Craig Wright, not because it'd be funny but because it'd be daring. He'll sue the fuck out of anyone.


EDF2 Survivor
Had my brother's son the diligence to hold on to that sweet howie wowie ERSDL, he'd have by now almost half a million fucking dollars. :flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer::flamer:


EDF2 Survivor
These retarded gifs in pajeet inhabitated telegram channels crack me up.

Shitcoins are not worth investing, but the success of some of these more lucrative ones makes me thirsty.
These were the weeks of EverRise, Bitgatti, Polkadog and BBW.
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