I know some of you big dick fellers would like this
A list of all the movies from the first 150 episodes of the Cumtown Podcast

Cumtown Canon List

cumtown canon.png

Idk you were a fan of Cum Town.
I know about them, but don't really watch them regularly.
This vid was my first intro to cum town...

To an uneducated observer "cum town" may seem as a vulgar comical expression for a title, probably made up in under a minute. But this couldn't be further from the truth. A true patrician will be able to notice the cryptic elements intentionally hidden from the witless view of the common peasant as typical memery.
Cum = seed, sperm, springing forth life = nous, intelligence, mother nature; a collective conscious, humanity as a whole. Cum = come, to come into being, to be birthed. Cum = come = to come to fruition, to reach a peak, pure ecstasy of mind body and soul, the joy of creation and creating, impregnation, to force birth = knowledge, but in a hyperreal sense; cum = nourishment, here used to refer to "soul food" (the higher pleasure of the pursuit of truth)
Town = a small city (reference to City of God?) or a big family (the continuation of the primordial human spirit, the legacy of Adam and Eve, creation as a metaphysical principle). A society = oligarchy of souls (adam, nick, stav) exchanging ideas (the forbidden fruit of life, i.e. cum, seed of life, as in gay sex, exchanging cum among similar equals, a "town") The citadel, metropolis (town) of pleasure (cum) (libraries are brothels of the soul)
So cum town refers to the ontological axiom of all existence, the meaning of creation and, generally, of life itself. The cum marketplace is a categorization of all interactions between all beings (that is a town, of cum).
This was revealed to me by a daemon
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