Cybercuck 2077

Only 11 days left until the alleged release date for Cyberpunk 2077 - the most fucking over-hyped game in the history of ever. Anyone else waiting for this? Any predictions on how the release is actually going to go?

I suspect that all of the CDPR fantards are going to be disappointed when they realize that the game isn't just a first-person Witcher game (which are literally the only thing CDPR has released for the past 13 years) and is more like Deus Ex, Fallout and GTA all had an orgy.

only if theres a feature where i can cut off my dick and get a cyber :vagina: will i be buying this game
lmao, can't wait for this game to be good and all faggots who for the last year were doing nothing but crying about how its gonna suck to get butthurt

also am pirating it only because they changed their twitter avatar to rainbow like all other [brands] do during fag month
lmao, can't wait for this game to be good and all faggots who for the last year were doing nothing but crying about how its gonna suck to get butthurt

also am pirating it only because they changed their twitter avatar to rainbow like all other [brands] do during fag month
Reported! Verified internet terrorist
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