Same jew blood god, founders are jews, prophet also a jew, kept substantial jewish holy text and rituals, still perpetuates jewish propaganda of jews being divinely chosen by horrible invisible and intangible parasite that is to be venerated even at the followers expense.

That all sounds pretty fucking jewish to me, Shylock.
Nope. You shouldn't talk about anything but your failing engineering career. It's the only thing you are an authority on and you aren't employed by your profession half the time. And after 2000 years the jews are still butthurt over Christ outsmarting the jewish authorities and him turning over some usury tables.

Christ was radically different than the run of the mill heeb or rabbi.

The first Christian Church was shaped primarily by these three apostles.

Peter, the first pope, he was the typical knee jerk reaction hateful jew. He always was, but when it came down to brass tacks Peter chickened out just like all jews. When he was crucified he asked to be hanged upside down, the blood would rush to his head and he would pass out and not endure the pain.

John was just fucking crazy. Revelations was written by him while he was hiding and starving in the desert. Soon after he finished he lost his head.

Matthew was a cuck for the jews, he wanted to heal the rift that was created between the first Christians and the evil jews. But jews cannot be appeased and later he was also killed. After the great modern reform of the late 1950's early sixties, where the jews infiltrated the Roman Catholic church there was an emphasis on promoting zionist Christian attitudes, where the OT was to be taken and modeled on how to treat the jew, jews killing Christ was de-emphasized and jews being the Chosen (TM) to be promoted. Which is why the Gospel of Matthew is so heavily preached in modern RC mass. And most angelicals can't stop cucking for the jews.

Later it is said that Nero, yes that one was converted by the jews and the jews gave Nero the biggest hate boner for Christians and Christian persecution reached a new zenith under his short reign.

Not to mention many local jewish kings killing all Christians in their land.

So Christians are not a different sect of judaism. Far from it.
Jews are very hierarchical and you have to be born into it basically. Even if you convert, you can still be rejected and not be a recognized as a jew. Anyone can be a Christian if they choose to be. That's what separates Christianity and the other two fake religions.

You don't have to be born into it. You don't have to do any stupid rituals, there's no animal sacrifice, all rules apply to everyone, and there is no official, "Im better than you because I'm Christian," bullshit. Now does that happen? Yes. People have pride, it's wrong and is called out.

Personally, I don't care what you believe but for some reason athiests/agnostics/jews/muslims always get butthurt when I mention my faith. I do try to not preach because I know people get beaten over the head with that stuff and that does not convert people that only pushes them away. If people want to know more, they often ask.
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Same jew blood god, founders are jews, prophet also a jew, kept substantial jewish holy text and rituals, still perpetuates jewish propaganda of jews being divinely chosen by horrible invisible and intangible parasite that is to be venerated even at the followers expense.

That all sounds pretty fucking jewish to me, Shylock.
you should do maybe 5 minutes of research before trying to sound smug and making yourself look retarded

if you get into the details christianity has more in common with Islam than Judaism
you should do maybe 5 minutes of research before trying to sound smug and making yourself look retarded

if you get into the details christianity has more in common with Islam than Judaism
Ahh yes, the jews with more camels.
you should do maybe 5 minutes of research before trying to sound smug and making yourself look retarded

if you get into the details christianity has more in common with Islam than Judaism
Confusing that you would say that.
the first five books of the torah is copied directly into the queeran. moohammeed was that lazy.

Pedophilia is not accepted in Christianity.

Mark 9:42​

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

And muslims believe Christ was a prophet and not the messiah. Big difference. There is no penalty for leaving Chrisitanity other than damnation. muslims tend to kill the ones that leave islam. the more modern and humane nations imprison the person for a year and after that if you don't repent and rejoin, you're executed.

Christianity is not to be spread by the sword but by His works. islam is the exact opposite.
Plus, islam holds their followers above all else much like the jew.

judiasm and islam are more closely alined dogma wise. food restrictions, same types of sects fundamentalist/Talmudic jews etc.,
Confusing that you would say that.
the first five books of the torah is copied directly into the queeran. moohammeed was that lazy.

Pedophilia is not accepted in Christianity.

Mark 9:42​

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

And muslims believe Christ was a prophet and not the messiah. Big difference. There is no penalty for leaving Chrisitanity other than damnation. muslims tend to kill the ones that leave islam. the more modern and humane nations imprison the person for a year and after that if you don't repent and rejoin, you're executed.

Christianity is not to be spread by the sword but by His works. islam is the exact opposite.
Plus, islam holds their followers above all else much like the jew.

judiasm and islam are more closely alined dogma wise. food restrictions, same types of sects fundamentalist/Talmudic jews etc.,
Jesus was the most damaging false Messiah? I'm pretty sure Bar Kokhba got that locked down unless there was another prophet that single handedly destroyed Israel for some 1900 years.
Heavily biased. This is propaganda the muslims try to tout to get Christians on their side since the jews have had the Christians on their side since the late 1940's.

It's true but it is not what is practiced or followed in the queeranne.

You'll find the exact same exclusionary devices and practices the filthy ews use reworded for mooslimes.
Plus, I stated that mooslimes consider Christ a prophet. However, since moohameed wrote his bullshit 633 years after Christ, moohameed is considered more important and therefore "greater." Last prophet is the last word of God.

I studied is-sham while I was in the service to better understand the mooslime. To know their motivations. it's shit. just like the jews. There are far more parallels with filthy judesim and is-sham and their dogmas than Christianity with either.
Whats all this !?


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