Jews are going to do a nuke war to kill all white people. It will be america and its allies vs Iran, China , Russia and North Korea. Albert pikes letter of 3 world wars and 3 revolutions is accurate.

Hopefully it won't come to that, and God will intervene.

I guess and hope their are good people trying to make sure WW3 at least doesn't go nuclear...

"I'm not one of them, im a loser that shitposts."

Look at everything that has already happened though.

The horrors of war that we have already seen.
Hopefully it won't come to that, and God will intervene.

I guess and hope their are good people trying to make sure WW3 at least doesn't go nuclear...

"I'm not one of them, im a loser that shitposts."

Look at everything that has already happened though.

The horrors of war that we have already seen.
God will never intervene, God is a liar who allows jews to do whatever they want to white people. Jews arent going to stop until all white people are gone and we need to do something about it.

Maybe Russia and China are smart enough not to let jews and america steer them into disaster but I doubt it.
God will never intervene, God is a liar who allows jews to do whatever they want to white people. Jews arent going to stop until all white people are gone and we need to do something about it.

Maybe Russia and China are smart enough not to let jews and america steer them into disaster but I doubt it.


Surely you can't have lost all hope yet brother?
Avodah Zarah 17a:12
Rabbi Elazar ben Durdayya that he was so promiscuous that he did not leave one prostitute in the world with whom he did not engage in sexual intercourse. Once, he heard that there was one prostitute in one of the cities overseas who would take a purse full of dinars as her payment. He took a purse full of dinars and went and crossed seven rivers to reach her. When they were engaged in the matters to which they were accustomed, a euphemism for intercourse, she passed wind and said: Just as this passed wind will not return to its place, so too Elazar ben Durdayya will not be accepted in repentance, even if he were to try to repent.”

A rabbi that has fucked every prostitute known finds one that he hasn't fucked, and when fucking her, the hooker busts ass, and tells the rabbi cannot return to his land (he has to repent in order to return) like her fart cannot return to her anus.
so what
the talmud is full of crazy shit like this, so is the bible because the old testament was derived from the talmud

you will find some similar bullshit in the quran, although it focuses more on violence and revenge
so what
the talmud is full of crazy shit like this, so is the bible because the old testament was derived from the talmud

you will find some similar bullshit in the quran, although it focuses more on violence and revenge
LOL no.
OT/torah is older than Talmud.

The queeranne copies the first five books of the torah. The queeranne blends the talmud and torah together and rewrites it to favor the lying goat and child raping muslims like the talmud favors the greedy, evil child raping lying jooz.
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