Dildos indoor grow tent of fun and profit

cool. now read the whole thing, you walking defect
Yes, I have read it, but did YOU bother to peruse it? I ask because the information that’s presented is rather unambiguous:

- posts quakery
- gets called out on it
- posts study to confirm it wasn’t quackery
- abstract of the study confirms the opposite
- DEMANDS that entire study be read to prove it’s not quackery
- full study goes in to detail and super confirms the opposite
- gives up and posts nonsense

Muffy, I fear that you’re losing it. Remember, you can always talk to Quence if you’re experiencing difficulties in your personal life. Quence won’t judge you and Quence will always keep information private.
obscene you callin' me out here for "posting quackery"
the anthocyanins that make most veggies darker actually help prevent certain strains of cancer
that is quackery

defending elon as not obese in another thread
this is not obesity


Muffy, I am here for you. Talk to me. Tell Quence what ails you. I have only your best interests at heart.
this is not obesity


Muffy, I am here for you. Talk to me. Tell Quence what ails you. I have only your best interests at heart.
the pic on the right is obesity. that is the appearance of a fat blob trying desperately to suck the flab in

i'm just... so *sniff* sick of you lying to me like this... why won't you just kys n make it better already?
the pic on the right is obesity. that is the appearance of a fat blob trying desperately to suck the flab in
Aha! You simply are unfamiliar with a middle-aged man who is in decent shape.

i'm just... so *sniff* sick of you lying to me like this... why won't you just kys n make it better already?
How can you say such a thing? Are we all not a part of the Leporidae family? Does my foot not bring good luck too?
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