EDF improvement drive

>le ban
lmao you plebbitniggers need to be hanged and your families raped non-stop, kys niggers
Just pick a lane at least! If you wanna post gore just make a thread called "The Gore Post". I think I'm more disappointed that your thread names and content are disconnected. Either talk about Gore or talk about ZOG, it's no fun when your posts fail at either.
Just pick a lane at least! If you wanna post gore just make a thread called "The Gore Post". I think I'm more disappointed that your thread names and content are disconnected. Either talk about Gore or talk about ZOG, it's no fun when your posts fail at either.
theres no use.. they are listening is retarded.. he must be euthanized (banned) and put out of our misery.....
theres no use.. they are listening is retarded.. he must be euthanized (banned) and put out of our misery.....

@THEY ARE LISTENING take notes BTW. Another BANGER POST from tasuviyo, elite EDF poster. Maybe if you carefully study the placements of each vowel, diacritic, and punctuation in this post, you could be one tenth as good a poster as me. MAYBE.
oh and you forgot to mention Soyjak Blog, because theres a few people that were drove away to that place as well (for example, Steve and Jerry), but I do have a few candidates in mind:

@hypeshot because he's the one who keeps on fucking mass pinging members out of nowhere on whatever thread he makes about a certain topic that feels so intresting to him that everyone should come and see it, the problem? his only access to talk in this forum is The Zoo, and nobody goes there except for a few people like me just to make fun of hype on how much of a faggot he is, I thought he turned to hating tokusatsu because i thought his recent kamen rider thread was a big trolling joke but it just turned out that a janny replaced his video (probably fucking maysam, which is someone who i will get to eventually) with something else, and what is worse, is that he pinged members that had already LEFT, including @ZZZandeRRR, which he left months prior before hype pinged his fucking account like a retard, so yeah i REALLY want to see him temporarly go... I want him to take a break from EDF and go to other forums that like tokusatsu shit

@Maysam look, I know he is kinda respected... and i know some may know this but he ban hammered me multiple times during my early days on here like a blind fuck, he just wanted me to stay simply on the 'cord but the thing is, I have no others forums to go, I'm banned off 3dmm.com (its a long story), I'm banned off Kiwi Farms (which im not fully gonna come back to considering theres a thread about me on here now but i still lurk there sometimes), I don't have money for Something Awful (because im not that fucking crazy to steal my moms credit card for a damn forums account, but I do like Shmorky's animations on there, despite on what was revealed about him), the only other forums I go to is Soyjak Blog and the Columbine forums... and oh, I also have an account on here, it's also a site with 3dmm movies on it but may i warn you that do not harass these people on there, they're (probably) autistic or something but i gotta admit, most of there stuff is kinda weird but in a good way, ok thats out of the question, and hell, Maysam took away my privlagies for changing my signature, thats because he fagtagged me, which is why i want his mod to be revoked and want him temp banned for a bit, fucking asshole, never gives me the chance :angry:

@Cartoon TV nothing against him per say, more of the fact that he reacts with "Fuck Off Retard", probably he doesn't understand who I am

I was thinking about @Everyman but since i think he calmed down on using emojis on every FUCKING post, ill let him slide, and I was also thinking about @EnemyOfTheLulz but if i put him on the list, he probably attack ED again with more DDOS attacks and more of his jewish shmuck, so ill also let him slide since i dont want him striking against ED again, so i wont piss donald off here, and hes rarely that active on here anyways so yeah ill let him sorta win i guess lmao
Soybrained megafaggot.
Ok, I know I haven't responded to this yet but knowing on what I just read from this screenshot, I have some stuff to say...

1. I beileve that the OP of the thread might actually be Pvt Sherman (which is understandable given the grammar of the post)
2. I regret on what I done to Plopilpy, Red Scorpion and everyone else I fucked up in the past
3. I also regret sending my dick on the 'cord (which pretty much led to ridicule for me)
4. The only thing I remember from that fiasco with Red was when he posted the images from my mom's facebook account, not from school (If I recall, it was Plopilpy, Pokerman (now known as Dr. Groper) and some other people i forgot that posted them or idk its been a long time)
5. Now I know what 8doe (on the schlog) was talking about, Yes I do regret drinking my own piss, this was WAY before shit with me and connor eventually cooled off, and for anyone that do not know what piss tastes like, it tastes like sour soup, like pretty sour, kids, don't be like me, its fucking disgusting
6. The claims made by the upchucks of me being a pedophile were false and just extreme slander towards myself, you see, I was an animator for them working on "The Grease Saga 3: Santa's Suprise Strike", but I gave up because the lines didnt like follow the script compared to the recorded lines Dennis Nedry (one of the main leaders of the group) provided me, but I think I might still have the unfinished .vmm file on an MEGA account i have, I might consider uploading it to my youtube channel because A. the drama happened almost a year ago B. whats the point of finishing it now?

I also do remember a time on the 'cord where a person called "Pinger" threatened to also make a KF thread about me, but luckily that went nowhere since it was probably a sick joke just to get a rise out of me

and to the exclusive kiwi farms members that viewed this thread, lemme just say this, i have since learnt my lessons, and lemme assure you that i will not fully come back to KF because of the shit you know now about me, and to the people i pissed off in the past, i am sorry. VERY sorry. :(
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