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Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
If you want stoner metal (or any metal really, besides that bullshit emo shit) from a teetotaling rageaholic sky healer with poor impulse control, 6 sets of hemostats and a hate boner for incompetent sociopaths masquerading as doctors....

Then I will have you.

My San pedro cacti dig my topless lady album art bands that play gritty alkie post grudge stuff and wanna fuck crazy strippers. My orchids hated it tho. Idk about your mushrooms.

I can send u my fav Playlist from Spotify its mostly this shit.

And Lady Gaga, goth metal and more Spanish hip-hop and rap than I'm proud to admit. But proudly blast.


EDF2 Survivor
Thanks friend, I'm pretty new to mycology but I'm starting to clone to agar and isolate genetics.
Nerd shit that takes way more patience than I'm capable of, it's good for me.
In itself, the ability to make use of highly-technical material (i.e stuff that is complicated even when broken up into a step-by-step for babby) is a pretty useful skill. Comes in handy all the time.

I'm sure by the time you're done, your kids will have a bunch of truffle planters to inherit... which as far as inherited wealth goes, isn't too bad. Solid investment along the lines of a bond.


In itself, the ability to make use of highly-technical material (i.e stuff that is complicated even when broken up into a step-by-step for babby) is a pretty useful skill. Comes in handy all the time.

I'm sure by the time you're done, your kids will have a bunch of truffle planters to inherit... which as far as inherited wealth goes, isn't too bad. Solid investment along the lines of a bond.
Thanks.. made a still air box and refined my sterilization tek, the future looks good
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