Elon musk is mentally retarded

"Doesnt seem to make sense" for a country to invest in their own infrastructure which provides internet at 7x the speed (for now, probably even higher in the future) of starlink for the same price

Since I can't edit my post, I'm creating this post.

Trump during the 90s - liberal. Elon before 2020 something (before one of his kids became trans and feeling where the wind was blowing) - liberal. Getting a megaphone (for billions) and yelling in the middle of the street is a Karen (liberal) behavior. The US has been in decline for a long time and the trend seems to be a longer decline under liberal decisions. Last elections just choose the less extreme version on internal policies. I'm not educated enough in US history but to me everything after Dwight D. Eisenhower or Nixon (crushed the hippie movement) seems to make the situation worse (not sure about Reagen). The worst part? Kamala wouldn't have made things better.

Musk's beliefs and actions are based on his desire to be popular and the USA is screwed.
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