Enemy of the Lulz going after our hosting...

aediot deserves nothing

other than a hocked loogie

and this ain't arrakis

We Fremen have a saying: "God created ED to train the faithful." One cannot go against the word of God.
For what it's worth I'll bet the complaint posted on the front page of the wiki was really from Aediot. Why would some random person complain that someone had photoshopped Aediot's picture on the front page?
For what it's worth I'll bet the complaint posted on the front page of the wiki was really from Aediot. Why would some random person complain that someone had photoshopped Aediot's picture on the front page?

That's exactly right. Plus when he went to the admin chat on discord to gloat he used the same terminology "shared hosting" in the take down letters:

Maybe putting encyclopedia dramatica on shared hosting was a bad idea after all

With completely exposed DNS

Just a thought
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