Eunuchs Are Women Too And Should Be Allowed To Have Babies

Life is risk. There are no guarantees. The notion which there should be is absurd.

Michael Douglas.

This liberal faggot is not getting laid unless he is fucking rich. That tie is literally in the hundreds of dollars.
The suit is in the thousands. Women gravitate towards success and power, men gravitate towards perceived healthy child bearing women -- typically young. Nothing has changed in the course of humanity.
Life is risk. There are no guarantees. The notion which there should be is absurd.

Michael Douglas.

This liberal faggot is not getting laid unless he is fucking rich. That tie is literally in the hundreds of dollars.
The suit is in the thousands. Women gravitate towards success and power, men gravitate towards perceived healthy child bearing women -- typically young. Nothing has changed in the course of humanity.
Women go for attractiveness above all else
I known this because i actually am a woman
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