The US should invade and take over Australia. It's a poorly run country with a lot of land, low levels of innovation, a small and easily rolled population, and, worst of all, it's not a constitutional republic (parliamentary constitutional monarchies are a joke). America would make Australia great for once in its pitiful existence.

It’s not only invasion-friendly, Australia is practically impossible to not conquer. All of its most important locations are port cities. The bootlips of Papau New Guinea could overwhelm the country in a matter of days using only tribal canoes and crude bows & arrows.
So tell me
Sink the entire Australian navy in a day or two. Blockade Australian ports - no goods or food in or out. Land many thousands of troops at various locations around the island. Have paratroopers land inland and secure the few things that need to be secured. The Australian government quickly capitulates and signs the terms of surrender that the Americans have drawn up. Disband that cucked government. Introduce a new government that places the freedom of the Aussie people first and foremost as laid out in a brand new Constitution. The Aussie people cheer their rescuers and throw ticker tape parades in their honour in every significant Aussie city. Profit!
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