Does anyone else get really strange facebook ads trying to sell them random shit?
Mostly I get ads for hair removal products and sexy woman's underwear. But, right now, I'm getting this:
"What is your poop story?", asking people to send personal stories about shit for some sort of movie.
A month prior, facebook was showing me, on a daily basis, an ad from the government, reminding me that hiring prostitutes is against the law, as well as this:
Generic anime girl asking me why I haven't joined her Manga drawing class yet. Also, look at this:
Care to hazard a guess as to what it is? It looks like the lair of a supervillain, or a 20 foot tall sex toy, but is actually the ominous water tower of Herzelia, where I do not live.
Still, facebook finds it necessary to update me every day on the water conservation efforts of a city in the other side of the country.
other gems have included knee braces for the disabled, 3D enlargement advertisements, this hell mask
and whatever the fuck this is
Mostly I get ads for hair removal products and sexy woman's underwear. But, right now, I'm getting this:
"What is your poop story?", asking people to send personal stories about shit for some sort of movie.
A month prior, facebook was showing me, on a daily basis, an ad from the government, reminding me that hiring prostitutes is against the law, as well as this:
Generic anime girl asking me why I haven't joined her Manga drawing class yet. Also, look at this:
Care to hazard a guess as to what it is? It looks like the lair of a supervillain, or a 20 foot tall sex toy, but is actually the ominous water tower of Herzelia, where I do not live.
Still, facebook finds it necessary to update me every day on the water conservation efforts of a city in the other side of the country.
other gems have included knee braces for the disabled, 3D enlargement advertisements, this hell mask
and whatever the fuck this is