Fallout: Tea'n'Crumpets

Playing it right now, looks good but... it's boring, and how to put it, way too British while not being British enough? You'll find all the stereotypical Brit stuff, pubs and tea and crumpets, Banksy graffiti and the game tries to be British to the point of becoming a parody. But it feels hollow, none of that British humor, no soul. Made I guess by people who have more experience in modding than in writing.
let me guess, the style is like "let me tell you about your country!"
Basically, what @SuperChungus said is spot on, you can tell they wanted NV, but the end result is bland.
granted, this is far superior to what you'd expect out of modders

but they are modders, not storywriters or true game devs.

however, still better dialog, story and characters than dragon age veilguard.
If you're looking for a F4 mod that is actually well written I'd recommend sim settlements 2. I was surprised, I thought it was just a construction mod, but it adds its own questline with decent writing and excellent voice acting.
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