
Also, since I'm currently taking care of my motherfucking full time, I am learning to be a good house-whatever. I'm a good cooker and cleaner and I'm learning how to make food and stuff and organize and stuff again. Not that you asked.
There is a whole back section where they work on the cars, but you aren't allowed to bring your phone in there because they don't want people taking pictures of the license plates. There are like Chilean thief rings in the area that target rich people's homes.
I do have a good Ferrari story to tell you that one of the mechanics told.

There was a guy that had this Ferrari and couldn't get it started. Took it to a mechanic. Mechanic couldn't get it started. They tried everything and probably fucked up the engine more.

They flew out this Ferrari specialist to come look at the engine. The guy was there for like 15 minutes. Took out a hammer. Banged on one section of the engine just right. And it started.

That will be $100K please and a reimbursement for my trip.
Ok ok ok. This one is going to make you laugh @Likeicare

I complained to Rainbow 6 Siege help department that I didn't like this season so far because I'm just getting put in terrible groups of people who won't do anything for me and I'm constantly losing and getting killed and it isn't fun anymore.

So I put a complaint letter together and told them I was going to cancel my subscription. Then, I put 01.png from this thread as the attachment. Let's see the results.
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