One amazing singer who NEVER dresses inappropriately is the incomparable Norah Jones

View attachment 14403
Very nice outfit! The belt provides a nice contrast to what would be a very boring pattern. I guess Miss Norah is not only a Triple Threat, but a fashion guru as well.
Dua has NEVER been a great or even a good singer. But I know someone who is a superior singer/songwriter/musician.
Yup. Ya gotta be a Triple Threat to be good...and Miss Norah is the greatest of them all.

That other singer that @Nisse is over the moon for - her name is unworthy of being mentioned in the same post as Miss Norah - pretends to be a singer. Those of us who call 'that other singer' good obviously haven't heard Miss Norah yet. We cannot fault them for their ignorance; some cannot appreciate genius.
how many quence socks are rattling around here now?
they are still talking to each other as if they were "separate people" but i'm not fooled.

he must like stretch marks too
View attachment 28641
It's not my fault that you can't appreciate Miss Norah or the Washington Commanders.

Now go masturbate with razor blades, fuckburger.
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