Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
Okay, it is thread re-railment tiem AGAIN. I have a inch-and-a-half thick New York steak. It has a eighth inch thick piece of fat all the way around one side, and I am gonna coat the fucker in fresh ground pepper and a dash of that gravelly sea salt and pan fry it, maybe add a splash of worcestshire sauce while cooking, do I remove the fat strap before cooking, or cook and eat the whole thing like a yolo boss? Advice plz?
This is the Food thread, you just got us back on center.
Pan frying isn't long enough to let the meat relax and break down the fats. Unless your cooking it to well done. In that case, you might as well buy a baseball mitt and eat that.
It would be better if you got a steak without that ribbon of fat because you're just paying for trash weight if you like to pan fry. Then of course, unless, you eat the fat. I eat it once an a while, but generally I cut if off.
However, if you reverse sear the steak, leave the fat on, season it, place the steak in an oven for an hour at 205F for each inch thickness of steak, take it out of the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes, and then sear it, get the pan, preferably an iron one smoking hot and then throw it into a buttered pan, wait two minutes, flip and cook another minute you'll have a perfect rare stake. Want medium add 7 minutes in the oven for each inch of steak, and fry each side for three minutes. Then the fat plays a greater part in the taste, plus the meat is more relaxed.
Eh Worcestershire, for me overpowers everything, I use it only as a liquid smoke substitute, because liquid smoke is arsenic.
Try it you may like it. I've never gone back to the other methods. Nice thing about this method is it gives you plenty of time to make side dishes, and you can easily time their finish together.