Girlvinyl is a pussy.

I find it funny that girly fag says I have an inferiority complex when he can't quit hiding behind his screen. So to prove he's a bitch I'm now gonna make a thread where I expose myself in a dox informing you all on my literal address so you can see how much of an asinine pussy bitch he is. I'll be sure to upload a video of me choking the literal shit out of him should he decide he wants to show up on my doorstep. Hope y'all enjoy. And I hope girlvinyl doesn't spoil the opportunity to try and prove that I'm the real bitch. It would be edfs greatest shame stained upon its lush virtual history.
is this gonna be a repeat William Atkinson?
awww, i have a fanboy. i've never had one of those before. but i find it kind of strange that you would first say that you will no longer acknowledge me only to create a whole seperate thread dedicated to your obsession over some random person on the internet.
I figured that you were worth the time of day. Considering you're still being a pussy. Now go take a look at my dox and decide what you wanna do. Its only gonna be more proof that you're a bitch.
nah, i have other things i need to care about. you should work on improving your self-worth
Says the one who should've been hung in his front yard and burned to death after being born. And as for my self worth I'm well aware of what it is. I'm just unsure what you hope to gain by messing with individuals over the internet when it'd be so much more fun to do it IRL and get a more thrilling experience involving you at least attempting not to be such a cuck while simultaneously still getting your ass handed to you.
nah, i have other things i need to care about. you should work on improving your self-worth
You're just a scared little bitch. I doxed my fuckin self because obviously there's nothing more scary than a bunch of supertards showing up to my profile online to berrate me than actual men showing up to my home to handle their business.
Says he has better shit to worry about and that I should increase my self worth. How hilarious coming from an edf bitch junkie who can only virtually insult someone.
i get it, i hurt your poor little feelings. the truth is, i dont actually care. i can tell you one thing though. i suspect you won't be a good father due to the fact that you're spending so much time on here arguing with so-called bitches and retards and not spending more time with your gf and daughter.
Cool because I totally don't spend time with them already. And you seemed to care just a few minutes before. Why the sudden change faggot?
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