
I’m tired of subsidizing off money from scamming furries out of commission money, help me find a job. I’m not afraid of doing physical labor and I’m also willing to fill out spreadsheets and shit like that. Any recommendations, I live in rural eastern Alabama, near the Georgia-Alabama border.


gay prostitute?


I’m tired of subsidizing off money from scamming furries out of commission money, help me find a job. I’m not afraid of doing physical labor and I’m also willing to fill out spreadsheets and shit like that. Any recommendations, I live in rural eastern Alabama, near the Georgia-Alabama border.
temp agency.

shouldn't be hard to find a job at a warehouse or something.
Do something like when your friends would say "I'll give you 10 bucks if you eat this cockroach" but over the internet where EDiots will give you money to snort dried shit or vape bleach

Nothing too deadly though...
Let's just keep it at sexlord level shit, like how many sharpies can you shove up your ass.


EDF2 Survivor
I’m tired of subsidizing off money from scamming furries out of commission money, help me find a job. I’m not afraid of doing physical labor and I’m also willing to fill out spreadsheets and shit like that. Any recommendations, I live in rural eastern Alabama, near the Georgia-Alabama border.
Get a car, having a car is the most important thing cuz you gotta get to your workplace and back. Buy a cheap piece of shit if you have too. Sign up for every temp agency. Take factory, warehouse work, be prepared to wake up at 4am in the morning and work till 3 or 4pm. Youll get built doing warehouse work, shipping and recieving and factory work.

It aint pretty, but its honest money. Once you get enough hours, apply for EI and work part time until they start taking money off your cheque if you want.


I would like to point out that Branman is not my sock. That being said, look for an ALDI, they pay like $16 an hour
That seems like a good idea, if I can find any, all of my friends work a chicken houses, I wonder how much they pay
I would like to point out that Branman is not my sock. That being said, look for an ALDI, they pay like $16 an hour

Well shit, I better get a job at ALDI

Call Me Tim

Looking for mostly women's work I see.

You're single, male, and supposedly able bodied.

Get in a car, and travel to the Dakotas, for oil work.
There should be lumber companies operating where you live.
Painting/construction/roofing if you can find someone to hire someone other than mexican/south american.
Try to apprentice with someone skilled trim carpenter/mason/plumber/electrician - better money in the long run, but these require a degree or certification. You'll be doing a lot of low tier shit until they trust you not to fuck up. And when you get a chance, don't fuck up. Heck even certified siding installers make 16+.
Pipe fitters make bank.
Look at the railroad, they are always looking for someone. With them, you WILL join the union.

If your record is clean look at the prisons.
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