horror movie recs thread 2.0


runs bartertown
SUMMER FUN RECOMMENDS (movies set in summer/near beaches n shit)
1. piranha
bold movie which shows kids getting eaten during a summer camp swim-off
2. humanoids from the deep
(recently deceased) roger corman's masterpiece about fishmen raping women on the beach. stars doug mcclure
3. in a violent nature
summer camping slasher movie set in ontario, from the point of view of the killer mostly. lots of bug noises.
4. midsommar
5. jaws
if you haven't seen this yet, what are you doing with your life?

FUCK I HATE SUMMER RECOMMENDS (cold movies cuz it be way too hot out/put your ac on n feel isolated)
1. the shining
freezy pop
2. the thing
solid paranoia, solid practical effects
3. frozen
before that other frozen movie, this frozen movie existed abt ppl stuck on a ski lift
4. the blackcoat's daughter
stuck in a boarding school during winter break? summon the devil to keep your spirits up! another canadian film
5. 30 days of night
alaskan vampires


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
jaws is so fucking overrated. it's interesting for like 2 minutes of its runtime. the thing's pacing also sucks like all john carpenter films


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
if you could recommend something instead of kvetching like a fucking jew that would be cool
idk i guess suspiria (1977) if that's sufficiently obscure


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
also thanksgiving (2023) is decent

Dildo Baggins

EDF2 Survivor
Antichrist (2009)
The Lighthouse (2019)
And of course the classic
Night of the Living Dead (1968)



runs bartertown
also thanksgiving (2023) is decent
it is decent but a few months early
suspiria is always a good recommend too

Antichrist (2009)
The Lighthouse (2019)
And of course the classic
Night of the Living Dead (1968)

have not seen the first but holy fucking shit i love the lighthouse
i hope when i'm on my death bed n my life is flashing before my eyes i get that shot of robby patz flinging shit buckets n it flying back into his face n screaming at least twice


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
This was a favorite of some director and frankly I've never heard of it. I guess it's supposed to be some hybrid of comedy instead of a full blown horror movie.
An American Werewolf in London
that movie sucks. the only good thing about it is that it inspired a kino jackass skit


Rare Exports
Not so much horror except maybe for kids, and probably a subset of Americans who seem extremely adverse to subtitles. Based on the Rare Exports Inc short films.

Låt den rätte komma in (Remade into: Let Me In)
Swedish vampire flick. Enjoyable. Remake didn't bring anything substantial to the table

Død Snø / Dead Snow
Dead frozen Nazi corpses left over from the war rise as zombies in remote Finnmark.
Cheesy movie made on a shoestring budget.


runs bartertown
This was a favorite of some director and frankly I've never heard of it. I guess it's supposed to be some hybrid of comedy instead of a full blown horror movie.
An American Werewolf in London
the practical effects during the werewolf change are what make that movie, tbh. it's quality n makes turning look painful
I really disliked that movie. The script was lame, the acting was awful, and the directing was very amateurish.

I saw this one a couple of years ago and it just looked really cold….as if it would’ve been unpleasant for the actors.

ravenous is good


I'm going to go off the board here with more of an uncomfortable drama rather than a horror movie with Kids (1995). Definitely worth a watch if you haven't watched it before.


that's lovely...
great movie. surface level comment: "the book ending is different"
Movie improved on the book ending so much though.
The novelette is alright, despite the prose being a bit of a chore, but the ending just fizzles like a damp squib.
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