How did you come up with your username?

I was able to do acid
I was copying someone else and making fun of them
A bunch of nonsense
American psycho reference
A really really bad story - don't ask.
I like spiders and they can trap things.
Permutations of that.
I like science
I also like making fun of people during FOTY and don't care if I get it so please make fun of me.
Someone special to me gave me this name
Permutations again.
I can't make socks anymore and I stick out like a sore thumb.
This one.
And I'm forgetting some, but who cares.
that's nice but im pretty sure nobody remembers any of the names associated with that list
that's nice but im pretty sure nobody remembers any of the names associated with that list
I am autistic and can remember just about everything. Some would say savant. Others would say insane or schizo. Even more would say degenerate and most would ignore.

This one is probably good enough to not live in the PM.


I've unlocked some things with all the stuff I've been trying recently. I'm not sure which bit has done it, but now I'm more ambidextrous than I ever was before. I'm going to start doing things with my left hand to try to become more ambidextrous.

I'm thinking the tDCS/tACS thing is partially responsible for this.

I want to try some other things now that I know that I can be this limber. There are a few other things that I have seen that I want to be able to do.

1) Manipulate my toes like they are fingers. I've seen that before. It's cool.
2) My grandpa on my motherfuckingfucking's side was able to wiggle his ears. I have no idea how that is possible, but I'm going to give it the college try.

My fingers on both hands are completely free from each other. They don't work in pairs or have to have another movement other than just that finger.

Still think you are either born double jointed or not. I don't think this is something you can attain through practice.

Also, testies testies 1, 2, 3? motherfucking
I am autistic and can remember just about everything. Some would say savant.
not very savant of you to always forget about your main character syndrome. most things you write look to an outsider either incredibly banal or obviously ridiculous.
no idea what that even means and i also don't care. just giving you context on where i lost it and thought "oh just another half-insane rant"
not very savant of you to always forget about your main character syndrome. most things you write look to an outsider either incredibly banal or obviously ridiculous.

no idea what that even means and i also don't care. just giving you context on where i lost it and thought "oh just another half-insane rant"
Fair enough. I won't bother to link together.
motherfuckingfucker, only 2 minutes for edit time

just let me know when any of you have an encounter with:
1) God
2) Aliens
3) A constant guardian angel
4) Repeated coincidences that would make winning the Powerball back to back to back look normal

Then, I will get rid of my "main character syndrome".
I'm practicing my autistic billiards.

How does this look?


Don't mind the cat piss stain next to the 6 ball.

I'm Ron Burgundy?

Edit - it should be illegal to have this much fun
motherfuckingfuckingfucker, only 2 minutes for edit time

just let me know when any of you have an encounter with:
1) God
2) Aliens
3) A constant guardian angel
4) Repeated coincidences that would make winning the Powerball back to back to back look normal

Then, I will get rid of my "main character syndrome".
there is a simple explanation, it's called

you imagined it all

and nobody cares about the things you make up in your nappy head
YEAH! I don't care if anyone else is having a good time. I made my date from last night laugh and that's all that matters right now.

Something something about fucking a mirror was said once before by someone ... hmmm. Well, I'm about to try with a hot mirror of myself. Wish me luck.
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