@Quence would not be so bad if she could stop writing mean things about the greatest singer Dua Lipa.
The problem is that the phrase “greatest singer” is used to describe her, but we all know that is not only not true, it’s also impossible as long as Norah is alive.

Comparing THAT singer to Miss Norah is like comparing a corn dog to Beef Wellington. Maybe YOU can't appreciate the difference, but those with panache and grace understand who has the REAL talent.

Let's see D** L*** come up with THIS kind of talent!

God Bless Major Tuddy!

Sir, you have been blessed with OUTSTANDING musical taste!!
Obviously. He won't use the real name "Redskins."
That name was stupid. The name Commanders references the Pentagon. I went on a tour of the place once. Boring.
Commanders is super gay. You're butthurt over a sports team name. LOL super beta quence.
I am not mad; I am just capable of recognizing foolishness when I see it.

Team names should reflect local culture, viz.: Pittsburgh Steelers, Milwaukee Brewers, Miami Dolphins, Tampa Bay Rays, and many more. The term Redskins didn't reflect anything to do with the DMV. The word Commanders references something local; in this case, it's the Pentagon Military Reservation. It also carries an image of a dominant alpha team, something which every team should aspire to be.
Team names should reflect local culture, viz.: Pittsburgh Steelers, Milwaukee Brewers, Miami Dolphins, Tampa Bay Rays, and many more. The term Redskins didn't reflect anything to do with the DMV. The word Commanders references something local; in this case, it's the Pentagon Military Reservation. It also carries an image of a dominant alpha team, something which every team should aspire to be.
they dont, they just indicate gangs of repressed queer athletic men who want to play sports then fondle each others meatjunk in the shower afterwards
Team names should reflect local culture,
You clearly don't live in DC or ever been to DC. If what you say is even remotely true then the Washington team would be named, "Washington Smolets (Nigger-faggots)."
DC is nearly 50% black and largely radical and communist, and is almost 30% homosexual.
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