.wil Dramacrat FAGGOT OF THE YEAR EDF2 Survivor ED Service Doggo Does It For Free E-Detective EDitor ShoopPhag Medicofag May 18, 2021 #1 discord is indeed aids
Paul Rudd Hollywood Jew Bud Aficionado Steers and Queers May 18, 2021 #2 Kind of a one trick pony, Rocco was. All he did was post images of gross shit and put roly polys on his dick. Sure, he could shove a butter knife down his pee hole...but he wasn’t much for conversation. I don’t really miss him much lol
Kind of a one trick pony, Rocco was. All he did was post images of gross shit and put roly polys on his dick. Sure, he could shove a butter knife down his pee hole...but he wasn’t much for conversation. I don’t really miss him much lol
SK2.0 Dramacrat Metalhead Anti-Communist Prussian Bud Aficionado EDF2 Survivor Number 1 May 19, 2021 #4 This is why discord is cancer
Call Me Tim EDF Hero Jun 6, 2021 #6 Catfish him. Have him donate to your twitch. Then tell him you have a girlfriend. a. you'll make some tard cash. b. you'll harvest some lulz c. both.
Catfish him. Have him donate to your twitch. Then tell him you have a girlfriend. a. you'll make some tard cash. b. you'll harvest some lulz c. both.
Thegibuspyro Projecter of TehLULZ Born Just In Time Jun 6, 2021 #7 GroyperSupreme said: What is it with discord? Click to expand... Insanity