I'm not a racist, but it's going to be a long, hot summer of BUCK WILD NIGGERS

@Magalicious do u tell ur friends that u obsessively search the internet for articles about dead children or are we just ur special bros??????
BUCK WILD NIGGERS kill "dey chillrens" - the subject matter is clear identified in the title so you don't have to read the thread if you're not interested. And no, you're not my special bro.
BUCK WILD NIGGERS kill "dey chillrens" - the subject matter is clear identified in the title so you don't have to read the thread if you're not interested. And no, you're not my special bro.
idk man...seems like ur just laughing over young dead children particularly male children....seems kinda weird to me...this is what ur average trump supporter does in his free time lol
fyi ive never seen a black person or blm supporter stalk the internet for pictures of dead children man...hope u are ok...if ur having problems with ur dad u can contact me dude
It ain't easy being a niglet in Oooklyn.

BEDFORD-STUYVESANT, Brooklyn (WABC) -- Family, friends and other mourners gathered Monday in Brooklyn to bid a final farewell to a 1-year-old boy gunned down during a cookout at a park in Bedford-Stuyvesant amid the surge in shootings across New York City.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, founder and President of National Action Network, joined the family of Davell Gardner, Jr., to deliver the eulogy at his homegoing service, held at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

The contrast was severe and unsettling, a brightly colored coffin the size of a child with a teddy bar on top.

[the affirmative action proofreader may think it's spelled "teddy bar," not "teddy bear"]


"oook oook oook oook oook"
It ain't easy being a niglet in Mimammy

The 7-year-old girl wounded in a drive-by shooting on Saturday night in Northwest Miami-Dade was taken off life support Monday, the Miami Herald has learned.

The girl was shot along with two adults and a 16-month-old boy, who was struck in the thigh and is in stable condition at Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Because of the girl’s grave condition, Miami-Dade homicide detectives are now handling the case and looking for the shooter or shooters.

Police named the 7-year-old child as Alana Washington Monday morning while she was still in critical condition. A group advocating for motherfucking’s of murdered children said they planned to gather at 2:30 p.m. at the street corner where the shooting took place to urge the community to “speak up” about the incident.

The ambush happened in the 2900 block of Northwest 51st Street, in the Brownsville area, just past 8 p.m. Saturday.

A car had just parked in front of the house, and people were getting out when another car drove past. Someone in the passing car opened fire. Over a dozen rounds were fired, sources say. One man in the house returned fire.

"oook oook oook oook oook"
It ain't easy being a niglet in Wiscoonson


MILWAUKEE — Cash bond was set at $100,000 Sunday, July 26 for a Milwaukee motherfucking facing a charge of first-degree reckless homicide for the shooting death of her 2-year-old daughter, Zymeiia Stevens, Tuesday, July 21 near 105th Street and Daphne Street. Prosecutors said she admitted to “accidentally” shooting her daughter after initially offering multiple accounts of what happened, changing her story at least five times — even blaming her own son.

"oook oook oook oook oook"
It ain't easy being a niglet in Hoookston

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A Houston man faces upgraded charges after his arrest on accusations he beat his 2-year-old son to death.

Antonio Hicks Sr. was taken into custody after he and the child's motherfucking told police he lost his temper while potty training the boy and hit him several times, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

"oook oook oook.... muhfuckaz"

"oook oook oook oook oook"
The thing I despise about idiotic millennial sheeple is that you don't know why, nor would you ever question why you know the name of the drug-addled criminal George Floyd but not the name of those little murdered oookers.
I know exactly why I know the name of George floyd but not the little black kids, its because the mainstream media is corrupt and loves race baiting. A white cop killing a black guy is a sensational clickbait article to them that they can milk for months, where as some nigger kids getting hit by a stray bullet fired by a crip is just another day in chicago to the mainstream media. We all know they lie dude.
The thing I despise about idiotic millennial sheeple is that you don't know why, nor would you ever question why you know the name of the drug-addled criminal George Floyd but not the name of those little murdered oookers.
niggers kill each other all the time. it's so common that the news doesn't bother outside of specific, agenda-driven scenes. the question here is, why are you so obsessed with them? jealous of the BBC?
niggers kill each other all the time. it's so common that the news doesn't bother outside of specific, agenda-driven scenes. the question here is, why are you so obsessed with them? jealous of the BBC?
I'm not obsessed with niggers, my interest is exposing the absurdity of political correctness and the lie that black = white.

(((Their jewish agenda))) is to not make niggers look bad and promote the idea that you shouldn't object to living near them, otherwise they'd report large numbers of children being slaughtered. And no, homo, I don't think about their genitals.
I'm not obsessed with niggers, my interest is exposing the absurdity of political correctness and the lie that black = white.

(((Their jewish agenda))) is to not make niggers look bad and promote the idea that you shouldn't object to living near them, otherwise they'd report large numbers of children being slaughtered. And no, homo, I don't think about their genitals.
i bet @ASSBLONKER would be dope as a neighbor.
"oook oook oook oook oook"

(CNN)A 9-year-old boy heading to his friend's house was fatally shot in Chicago in the waning hours of July -- a violent month in which police say the number of murders in the city jumped nearly 140% from the previous year.
The father of Janari Andre Ricks said the boy was going to get a game controller from a friend when he was shot multiple times around 6 p.m. Friday on the Near North Side. He was pronounced dead at Lurie Children's Hospital.
"It's senseless, I'm still lost," Raymond Ricks told CNN Saturday at a makeshift memorial to his son. "He was everything. He was an inspiration behind all kids around in the community. Sports, anything, he would tell you stats from back in the day about everybody. He was a genius."
"oook oook oook oook oook"

A 2-year-old girl died two days after she was shot in her head during crossfire Wednesday in Hammond, Indiana, according to police.

The girl, known as “Jo Jo,” was pronounced dead Friday morning at Comer Children’s Hospital in Chicago, according to Hammond police Lt. Steven Kellogg.

She was in a car with her motherfucking about 9:30 p.m. Wednesday when she was caught between two people shooting at each other in the 6900 block of Barrie Lynn Rd. in the Kennedy Crossing apartments, Kellogg said.

Struck in her head, she was flown to a Comer in critical condition, Kellogg said.

Police said Jo Jo and her motherfucking were innocent bystanders.
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