I thought I was red-pilled. I really did. I learned years ago that we live in a gynocentric world. I've known for a long time that all of this LGBT stuff is just a fresh can of paint on top of mental illness. I always suspected the Ho0locaust story was exaggerated and couldn't imagine a well-functioning military senselessly murdering millions when they could put them to forced labor. I knew that black people were more violent and less rational and that I knew that homosexuals recruit children, spread disease, and live more dangerous lives (doing drugs and having hundreds of sex partners). I know that a few companies own all mass media and I know that pornography rots the brain. I know that global warming is a hoax.
But just recently I've started to put a few more pieces together. It started with the new video that showed up in my YouTube feed titled "what if the USA paid off our debt", and I thought "eh - I'll give it a go, could be entertaining"... The video was 11 minutes of blaming Republicans for our massive debt followed by 10 seconds of "oh, and if we paid it off nothing would change so let's just stay in debt forever"
Now this didn't really jive with me. So I started looking into it. And I came to some startling realizations about our history that were NEVER taught in school, and NEVER discussed on the news or online or in general political discourse, and that caused everything to suddenly be more clear.
I'll begin fact dump in the next post to avoid hitting character limit.
Before I begin the long tale of my descent into this rabbit hole, let me give you the facts (tl;dr):
>There will never be a World War III. It's not necessary.
>Our government has absolute totalitarian power. America is one of the least free places on Earth. They only pretend to give us freedom so we dont realize they can tighten the reins at any second.
>Money is a joke and a tool and you cannot depend on it or use it for anything.
>It all started with the Great Depression
This journey took me through some of our financial history as a nation, I learned a lot about how we got into the mess we're in. I re-affirmed many of my previous beliefs and I found a way out.
>Per the video, our entire debt can be blamed on "war spending". It even specified $1.9 trillion was spent on the war on terror (2001-2017).
I immediately noticed that spending $1.9 trillion on a war doesn't increase the debt by $1.9 trillion, because the war could be funded by tax and not debt. But I also noticed the large span of time (2001-2017), so I looked up the change in our debt over that time. From 2001-2017 our debt rose from $5.8 trillion to $20.2 trillion. Of that, even if $1.9 trillion is due to the war on terror, that leaves $12.5 trillion unaccounted for!
The video also said the increase in debt was Bush's fault, since he started the war. It further said Republicans always start wars and increase military spending. But from 2001-2017 the biggest increase in debt was under Obama! And it wasn't the war spending.
The federal budget is a public document. Most people don't read it because it's hundreds of pages long. But I started digging. I first looked at 2009-2010. Because it was during these years that Obama had a Democratic congress, forced Obamacare, and ran up a deficit.
The first thing that I noticed was that military was relatively small. I've heard for years that we over-spend on military. But the department of defense was only $636 billion in 2009 and $666 billion in 2010.
Compare that with:
>$700 billion given to the department of treasury
>$726 billion given to social security
>$796 billion given to the department of health and human services
The video also pegged the financial bailout at "$350 billion". That's half the number that I remembered, so I did some research into the federal bailout of the banks to see if it was $250 or if was the $700 I remembered... It was SO MUCH worse
Government Accountability Office audit of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The total amount of money given to all the banks was $16.1 TRILLION dollars. That missing $12.5 trillion? I think I found it, plus some change. But wait, we haven't seen our debt rise by $16.1 trillion, nor have the banks suddenly posted trillion-dollar profits. Where is the money? Turns out only $4.6 trillion has already been paid out. The remaining $11.5 trillion is "owed" by the government to the banks. And for what reason? Because they asked for it.
No matter what laws are passed between here and 2050, no matter who's president, no matter how much people scrimp, save, and pay taxes -- our debt will rise another $11.5 trillion because we "owe it" to the banks. Sound skeevy? It is. But believe it or not, that's not the worst of our problems.
So why the graph showing that military was ">50% of our spending"? well, it's >50% of our "discretionary" spending. Military is considered discretionary! But discretionary spending is only 25% of our total budget. This means that military is half of a quarter of our budget. Most of the money goes to "mandatory" spending... but why the classifications?
Turns out "mandatory" spending is 100% welfare! "Mandatory" spending includes:
>social security
>SNAP (food stamps)
>TANF (another type of food stamps)
>earned income tax credit
>child tax credit
Why welfare is "mandatory" and defending our sovereignty is "discretionary" is beyond me, but this caused me to realize that well over two thirds of all spending (and potentially 100% of debt) was due to welfare programs. So I looked into how the budget even gets made.
The president gives congress a budget, but then congress has the right to modify EVERYTHING about this budget before voting on it. They can pass a budget that looks nothing like what the president handed them. After the house and senate finish voting, the budget is given to the president for approval, and if he vetoes it then it goes back to the congress where a 2/3rds vote can overrule him.
This means at the end of the day, 2/3 of the congress have the deciding vote on the budget. So this set me on a quest to see how our debt changed under different political parties of the house and senate.
I compiled an Excel sheet that recorded the follwing from 1910 through 2017 (since 2018 isn't over yet):
>Amount of debt
>Change in debt from prior year
>Change in debt as percent
>Value of a dollar (relative to gold)
>Change in value of a dollar (inflation)
>Change in debt, inflation adjusted
>Which party (if either) had a super-majority in the house
>Which party (if either) had a super-majority in the senate
>Which party was in the presidency
I then divided the years into 18 categories:
>Who had a super-majority in the house (R, D, neither)
>Who had a super-majority in the senate (R, D, neither)
>Who was president (R, D)
I then looked at the correlation and computed the p-values and all of that fun jazz. With only 100 samples it's not perfect (ideally you'd want thousands of samples), but it's the best I could do with the data available. Here are the three important things I discovered:
>1. The house and president are statistically insignificant. The senate has over 90% of the power in determining the budget.
>2. Under a Republican senate, the debt falls -1.49% (inflation adjusted). Under a Democratic senate, the debt rises +7.89%
>3. A split senate (no party has super-majority) is just as bad as a Democratic senate, the debt rises +7.69%
To any Republicans this may make sense. After all - the debt is caused by Democratic welfare bullshit. But it left me confused. Because if Democrats make the debt worse and Republicans fix it, how did things get SO BAD? Shouldn't we expect to see a pendulum effect where Democrats take power, the debt rises, then Republicans take power and it falls?
Take a good hard look at the picture in my previous post, as well as my third discovery. Without a Republican SUPER-majority, the debt rises. This has been true for the last 100 years. So when was the last Republican super-majority? Republicans have not controlled the senate since 1930! Despite the media outrage and cries of "a Republican controlled house", Republicans haven't controlled anything for 88 years!
1930, 1930... why does that year sound familiar? Google search a bit for terms like "USA what happened in 1930" turns up articles with rather haunting titles...
What? The United States declared bankruptcy in 1933? This exact fact was parroted in the video I watched that started this deep dive. But why wasn't this taught in class? Why isn't there a WikiPedia page on "American Bankruptcy of 1933"? Why isn't this in any history books or any encyclopedias?
Further research reveals this bankruptcy was declared in executive orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260.
Try googling any of these executive orders. Nothing comes up. No Wiki page, no government documents, no links. Checking out the government archives it's like these years were deleted from the record:
Note: This page contains executive orders issued through January 19, 2017 (the end of the Obama administration). Beginning January 20, 2017 (the beginning of the Trump administration), executive orders and disposition tables are available only on www.FederalRegister.gov. Barack Obama (2009-2017)...
Fortunately I caught a break in the least-expected place. University of California maintains an accurate record of all executive orders, but it's not indexed on Google:
Finally some answers. Roosevelt:
>(1603) - Allowed banks to reopen under the condition that they cannot give out gold coins, gold bullion, or gold certificates and that currency may only be given out if it is to be used and not hoarded
>(6102) - Demanded that all US citizens turn in their gold, with the exception of gold needed for industrial purposes, gold held by foreign banks, and a $100 per-person allotment of gold that you may keep for personal reasons. This gold would be given to the banks in exchange for writing off of national debt, and the banks MUST (per the executive order) accept this payment
>(6111) - Specified how citizens must turn in their gold, and prohibited the exporting of gold to other countries
>(6260) - A reminder that you can't hoard gold or export gold to other countries
At this point slapped myself for not remembering that 1930 was the Great Depression... but I was also confused why "USA what happened in 1930" didn't turn up the Great Depression. I was also REALLY intrigued by the fact that since the Great Depression, there has NEVER been a Republican super-majority in the senate.
I'd almost hit a wall with my research. Maybe Republicans and Democrats aren't just two people who fail to understand one another, but Democrats really are the bane of sovereignty and exterminating them would lead to an era of prosperity... But then i remembered the central rule of /pol/: When things look fishy, see if Jews are involved.
I applied this rule recently when my wife was discussing ADHD. We found it very strange that ADHD was only so heavily diagnosed recently, and only in America, and that the "cure" doesn't really cure anything, and the medicine fucks with their mind. Sure enough: Jews were the first ones to diagnose ADHD (Robert Spitzer added "hyperkinetic impulse disorder" to the DSM-ii) and Jews invented amphetamines(Lazar Edeleanu).
So I applied this rule now, to see how Jews might be connected to the Democratic party. WOAH BOY did I turn up a lot. here's a fun fact: Liberal Jews from Russia and Eastern Europe have been at the forefront of EVERY progressive movement since the early 1880's:
>Worker's rights
>Civil rights
>Women's rights
>Gay rights
>Freedom of religion
So Modern "bleeding heart liberals", puppets of the Democratic party who pass affordable welfare bills in the name of "caring and sharing", are really puppets of the Jews who have manipulated the Democratic party since the turn of the 20th century.
Thinking about Jews brought up World War II. If they had their hands so dep in our packets in 1933 ("coincidentally") the same year Glass-Stiegal was passed), then why a war? We could try to argue that the Jews didn't cause the war, but if the Jews had so much power and control, we should believe that they had a hand in every global event.
So what did World War II do for them? This is where things get scary.
The New Deal drove up our nation's debt (relatively) more than any law before or since. The only thing that ever increased our debt more was war itself. Our debt increased roughly 20% year on year from 1932 to 1936. Obviously this had a lot of Americans fed up with the Democrats and they were ready to kick the Democrats out of power. That's when the war started.
World War II had mandatory conscription. They utilized the draft and forced people to join. However World War II did something weird that you don't normally see with conscription. They banned anyone from voluntarily joining the military. The argument was that this was to "provide protection for the nation's home front manpower pool". This means that every single person who went to die in war was selected by the government, and was not a volunteer. Every. One.
Now suppose for just an instant that the majority (not a 99% majority, but just enough to swing future elections -- say 55%) of people sent to die in war were conservative. Then factor in that conscientious objectors" (mostly liberals) were either allowed to decline the draft or were given peaceful office jobs.
World War II wasn't about killing the Jews. It was about killing the conservatives. World War II was a carefully orchestrated effort to kill off the Republican party and ensure they could never rise to power again.
This is the current truth of our nation. All of the good guys were sent to die in a massive genocide, obscured under the pretext of war, and ever since then the Jewish-controlled Democratic party has been ballooning the debt higher and higher. And yet, despite doomsday predictions and fear and paranoia, no matter how high the debt gets (it's literally in the TRILLIONS - a number so big our brains don't have a good way to comprehend it) the world hasn't collapsed... Why?
This is the final red pill.
The size of the debt doesn't mean anything. None of thsee numbers mean anything.
In 1938 the first minimum wage was established at 25 cents per hour. At the time a loaf of bread cost 8.6 cents. This means for one hour of work, you could buy 3 loaves of bread.
Now, in 2018, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. Currently a loaf of bread costs #2.37. This means for one hour of work, you can buy 3 loaves of bread.
Nothing had changed. Inflation has increased the numbers, but the equation is still 1 hour for 3 loaves.
The same is true of our debt. Our debt doesn't mean anything. If we paid off the debt, nothing would change. If we keep amassing debt, nothing will change. Because at the end of the day the debt isn't taken into account when funding the government projects, and the debt has no effect on your day-to-day life.
To understand this, I took a look at who we actually owe the debt TO: banks
well, "investors" -- but that's just investment banks with a fancy title.
Without government, banks are simple. Person A gives a bank $100. The bank loans $50 of person A's money to person B. A year later, person B pays back the $50 with 10% interest, so the bank now has $105. The bank then gives person A $102 (2% interest) as a thank you for letting them borrow the money, and the bank keeps $3 as profit.
Things get weird when government gets involved
The government can give the bank a "loan" of $100 at 5% interest. The bank can then turn around and re-loan that money to person B at 10% interest. So long as the government interest rate is lower than the rate they charge to person B, the bank can do this infinitely. In this way, the government replaces person A.
Also, the bank can choose to buy government bonds that pay 10% interest. So long as the bank is making 10% interest on their loans, they don't care who they loan the money to. in fact, a government is bigger and has more money than person B, so they're more liekly to pay it back! This means that they're more likely to lend to the government. in this way, the government replaces person B.
if person A and person B are unnecessary, then the banks can keep making money by borrowing money without ever involving citizens and without ever actually creating economic value. By borrowing money from the federal reserve and lending it back to the government in the form of bonds, banks keep siphoning off tax dollars without actually DOING anything.
So if the government keeps lending money to the banks in order to borrow that money back, the government will keep owing more. The only solution to this is to print more money to pay back the money they borrowed. This isn't an exaggeration or a warning. This is a thing that has been happening for the last 100 years. This, and this alone, is the cause of inflation. Inflation occurs when more money is printed it's as simple as that.
Think this is weird? Well, it gets bad now. Because if there's inflation, a dollar today will be worth less tomorrow. This means if you borrow a dollar from someone today, you'll have to pay them back more than a dollar tomorrow. It also means if you work hard to earn TWO dollars today and spend 1 dollar each day, then tomorrow's dollar won't be worth as much as today's dollar was.
Now let's return to what I said about "inflation not mattering" 2 posts ago. One hour of work equals 3 loaves of bread. But if you do one hour of work then wait a year, that money only gets you two loaves of bread. Wait two years and it only gets you one loaf. The only way to keep getting fed is to keep working.
Did you catch that? The only way to keep getting fed is to keep working.
One more time: The only way to keep getting fed is to keep working.
This is the goal. You can't save enough money. You can't pay off your loans. You can't pay back your debts. You can't earn enough to retire. You will ALWAYS have to work. It's an infinite labor cycle to keep people working.
There's hope, though! I wouldn't post a huge black pill about how we're screwed and there's nothing we can do but wait for death without telling you how to fight back. And fortunately, we can fight back with full force.
There's one central theme in all of these posts:
>National debt
>Fiat currency
It all has to do with MONEY. They never took control of the means of production. They never took control of the people. They never took control of our minds or our bodies or our spirits. They only took control of the pieces of paper in our wallets.
So long as you use money, you are forever a slave to the Democratic super-majority that has ruled our government for the last 90 years. A Democratic super-majority that was put in power by the Jews and retains their power through Jewish indoctrination of the voting masses.
In order to be free, and in order to rise above the system, you must throw away all of your money. Find people in your local community willing to barter. Offer services in exchange for food, offer food in exchange for housing, offer housing in exchange for clothing. If bartering becomes difficult turn to money-like objects that have tangible value. Use wheat, or gold, or ink, or pasta. But use something that can't be printed by the Democrats to pay off debts that they're intentionally creating in order to keep us slaves.
We went a long way and learned a lot, so I'll review now:
>Democrats have been controlled by Jews since 1880.
>World War II killed more Republicans than Democrats.
>Democrats have been in power since 1930.
>Democrats cause inflation, on purpose, to enforce debt slavery.
>The US government is bankrupt and all of our money is fake.
>There has been a massive push to hide, obscure and cover up this information. It's not taught in schools and it can't be found on many government archive sites.
>You can be free of the cycle if you learn to live without money.
Also, as a bonus:
>There's no "shadow government" or "cabal" -- just a few Jews who got lucky. Right time, right place. People happened to die and economic recessions happened to hit in just the right way to make their plans work.
>There will never be a World War III -- it's just used as a scare tactic like global warming to keep people afraid and listening to daddy government for answers.
>Everything you hate about Baby Boomers was actually the fault of the Democrats.
I guess I should clarify on the "World War II killed more Republicans than Democrats" bit
>World War II INTENTIONALLY killed more Republicans than Democrats
It was the only war in history where every single soldier was hand-picked by the government and not volunteered. The government basically picked and chose who they wanted to die, and sent them off to their deaths.
Yes. Until we've managed to kick the Jews out of our country, vote Republican in EVERY election. Even if you know a reasonable and good-hearted person who's a Democrat, the Democratic party is built on lies and filth and should not be given the keys of power. Until the Democratic party has been cleansed, they must be kept out of congress at all costs. Your good-hearted Democrat friend is just a victim of their ploys.
Vote Trump in 2020, and vote Republican thereafter.
>By the time I was ready to enlist (late 1942) enlistments were no longer being accepted, but it was possible to volunteer for induction-- whatever that meant. Such volunteers got army serial numbers beginning with 3, just like draftees. Can you tell me just what the legal/technical distinction was between enlistees and draftees?
>By 1943 the Selective Service was limiting the amount of people getting in
Holy fuck it's real, people don't understand why cause they're retards but OP cracked the code.