its never that simple to lose weight and some people handle it better.
example being me, maybe 30 lbs over weight, and handling it okay;
and my goddamn insane family doctor.
he is 78 years old, 1% body fat and BRAGS about it, runs in half-marathons
and is ADHD as hell and can't sit still. Needs meds, hates meds.
also loves to tell his obese patients (most are elderly) to go to weird faddish diets.
it changed drastically every year.
first it was a "FODMAP" diet, then a no-simple carbs diet, then he raved about kale smoothies,
then "poor people in africa eat 50 grams of fiber per day and have no heart disease and you should too".
none of this shit has anything to do with health. esp. if you're his typical patient and already have
chronic conditions like cancer or multiple sclerosis.
fucking crazy old man. i need another doctor.
also, fuck you josh, you little lardass incel