Last month of 2024


【Come, Sweet Hour of Death】
Any plans for this month?



【Come, Sweet Hour of Death】
also, you got a link to those japanese kitkats?
link got yeeted and didn't save
Funny thing about that, is that I never finished the thread anyways. I had to review a couple of them still, had pictures and everything taken too. Its been so long since then I forgot what they even tasted like. I just search up "Japanese Kit-Kats" on Amazon and buy them off of there. I'm sure there are other websites you can use for that sort of thing, but I'm not too picky with where I get my once or twice in a year special candy from.
Whenever I go on 4chan I get baddies asking for my discord so I added one, lets see how "she" treats me.
I don't fuckin' know
Maybe just stay at home all month since I don't really go out that often anymore, i mostly spend my days on Discord, Watching YouTube Videos, etc.

2024 was kinda the worst year for me, here's hope that 2025 will be better
Job 2025, it'll get you moving too so you can drop a few pounds a you can buy your own stuff.
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