Oh noes! I guess I'm not the only one that gets a case of
the "coincidences"!
the "coincidences"!
Of course you didn't read it. Who reads anything these days? Lazy motherfuckingfuckers!So here is something for everyone to read.
I have noticed that there are two types of people on Earth in my daily passings.
1) Get shit done person! This person has the work ethic and is ready to whip this planet into shape. I've met a few of them today. Awesome people.
2) Ittle get done tomorrow person! This person will leave things where they are hope someone else cleans up after them.
The world needs more of #1 and less of #2!
Be a number 1! Be a main character! Be Mario! Be the guy or the girl I don't care!
I don't want to hear any of these "ewn I don't want to do it" stuff! Enough is enough! Arch Angel Michael says you become a main character or you choose to die.
Be a #1
Don't be a #2
#2 is a piece of shit
You are a piece of shit if you are a number 2!
After this, back on the trail!