Masks, have you ever, will you ever?

@j15m Stop bragging about your throw pillows. At this point it's rather vulgar.
Have a funeral coming up in about 2 weeks(unfortunately not my own)

We apparently have to wear masks and "socially distance" there too. Honestly that shit is not cool.
I am sorry for making light of the whole situation to be honest, a family friend just died and ... well, just fuck the world.period.
This shit is pretty god damned far from o.k.
I have emphysema so it's in my best interests to safeguard myself appropriately. Maybe in my younger days I could've joined in the fun of being an idiot who thinks masks are communism and submission to sharia law. Unfortunately, though, I have to take self-preservation seriously these days. I greatly appreciate it when, in the rare times I do go out in public, others are respectful enough to wear a mask and take social distancing seriously.
N95 masks have a 0.1 - 0.3 micron pore
Covid is 0.05 - 0.2 in size.

Oh and in the event of nuclear attack, remember to duck and cover.
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