Minneapolis Mayor to Rioters: Please Practice Social Distancing, Wear Masks

"Freeman also defended the speed of the arrest against Chauvin.

"This is by far the fastest we have ever charged a police officer," Freeman said. "Normally these cases take nine months to a year. We have to charge these cases very carefully because we have a difficult burden of proof."

Two hours earlier, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz promised swift justice in Floyd's death, but also pleaded with protestors who have set fire to Minneapolis to stop, so the city could restore justice and order."
Dunno sounds like they charged him just to head off the riots that will burn the city down over the weekend. Not to mention ANTIFA was starting to show up. Most of the photos of people in front of burning cop stations are white. Don't think this will do a damn thing though.
You don't see this shit happen in other countries. Also they do the same thing to whites if they get the chance

yeah, I remember that white dude getting shot in a Hotel for no fucking reason.


He's not wrong.
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