Most annoying people on ed

Hey some members of EDF are cool, Retarded_FAG/Jerry used to be picked on but not anymore, Steve is mostly active on the schlog now but still is active from time to time on EDF (despite calling me a faggot one time), but some of the members in those screenshots... I kind of agree with you

MarioMario456/Gabriel Rojas pretty much deserved being compromised by 764 (tho at the same time 764 did much worse compared to what they did to Gabe)
konrad isn't liked that much anymore since he is known to report shit (He reported the ED SpaceHey group if i recall)
and Finkberg? If he's the one that called me "Porkchop" in the 'cord, then I agree with you, I am not a porkchop... fucking jewish meat eater i hope hes dead
Hey some members of EDF are cool, Retarded_FAG/Jerry used to be picked on but not anymore, Steve is mostly active on the schlog now but still is active from time to time on EDF (despite calling me a faggot one time), but some of the members in those screenshots... I kind of agree with you

MarioMario456/Gabriel Rojas pretty much deserved being compromised by 764 (tho at the same time 764 did much worse compared to what they did to Gabe)
konrad isn't liked that much anymore since he is known to report shit (He reported the ED SpaceHey group if i recall)
and Finkberg? If he's the one that called me "Porkchop" in the 'cord, then I agree with you, I am not a porkchop... fucking jewish meat eater i hope hes dead
764 cult is a fed honeypot for retards, unlike Doom Slayer's Guild which is g.o.a.t
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