Also, I know you are, but what am I?
maybe disparu is more your speed?I tried to get into his stuff, but i remember him being so overly nitpicky and whiney that I just got irritated and stopped
Ignoring the stuff about him lying about movies so he could nickpick and whine even more
You know why jokes are funny? Timing, context and wit.What in the fuck are you talking about? I was making a stupid joke about the scene in Pee Wee's Big Adventure where he was saving snakes and shit from a fire.
why would you want to be?sorry I'm not 100% on all the time
the original rugpull.Fucking boomers.
ITS FREE ENTERPRISE, YOU SHITBIRD. IT SUCKS AND RUINS LIVES, BUT YOU ARE ONLY PUTTING ON THIS BOGUS FACADE OF "CONCERN" FOR HER BECAUSE YOU ARE A HYPOCRITICAL MORALIST.This is revolting. It’s difficult to believe that someone would do this. Apparently, she’s a former pornstar.