Null vows to delete 9chan and Kiwi Farms by tonight if this section 230 thing doesn't improve



Read the thread, but in case you're too lazy to click the below link:

The Law: 47 U.S. Code § 230 (short, plain english)
The Executive Order: Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship (short, plain english)
My explanation, Additional information from the EFF.

Here are competing visions for changing Section 230, what is possibly the most important piece of legislation ever passed regarding the Internet.

President Donald Trump

Trump's "hard pitch" is full revocation of Section 230. This would mean all platforms are civilly liable for every single thing posted on them. Every site from Facebook, to Twitter, to 4chan, to the Kiwi Farms would shutter overnight or begin a sort of censorship and whitelisting you can't even imagine.

Former Vice President Joe Biden
>In an interview with The New York Times on Friday, former Vice President Joe Biden called for tech’s biggest liability shield, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, to be “revoked, immediately.”

Same as Trump.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)
S.1914 - Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act

Companies do not get Section 230(c) immunity unless they receive a certificate from the FTC certifying they do not moderate a specific political agenda, party, or politician. Hawley's bill only applies to companies with more than 30m American users, or 300m Global users, or $500m annual income.

Hawley's bill has no conspors, and in fact he cosponsors a much worse bill.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
S.3398 - EARN IT Act of 2020

Establishes a new committee horrifically titled "National Commission on Online Child Sexual Exploitation Prevention". In plain English, any bill having anything to do with protecting kids is actually designed to fuck you. This committee is loaded with 19 people (retard boomers) from and delegated by various members of the government.

This committee sets forth best practices. They can make anything a best practice (i.e. don't use https://, record user IPs forever, require a real name in the back end). If you don't do what they ask, you can be sued. It doesn't state its intents outright, it shrouds them by establishing this committee.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1)
Matt Gaetz (my congressman) has expressed interest in changing Section 230 and has vocally shown support for Hawley's law but is not currently a cosponsor. He has not given specifics on what he'd want to change.

In his podcast Hot Takes with Matt Gaetz, he has said he has filed complaints with the FEC regarding the platforms manipulating the elections. He likened the "characterizations of Trump's tweets" with political billboards and said they should be regulated similarly.

My Plan for the Banks
All they have to do to fix online censorship is fix payment networks. No "non-kosher" alternatives to Twitter or Facebook can exist when monetization is not possible. The payment networks Mastercard and Visa card do more "editorialization" than any platform does.

This process is two fold:
1. Change parts of Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act so banks are less liable for illegal activity done by Americans and their businesses, and
2. regulate the payment networks (MC, Visa, Amex, Diner's) so that they cannot kick Americans off their networks or blacklist them without actual fraud or court orders.

That's all it would take to wake up in a better world, but it will never happen. They'd shoot Matt Gaetz in the fucking head if he proposed something like this

Alternative for Regulating Platforms
If you want to make Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube liable for banning and censoring people, the Government should just create recourse for people wrongfully terminated from major platforms. Let people banned from AdSense / YouTube / Twitter / Facebook sue for some sort of damage in civil court.

What revoking Section 230 does is unfair. Imagine if Starbucks didn't let black people buy coffee at their store, so instead of just making it so they can be sued for that, the Government decided to regulate all food and drink venues in the United States as hospitals to spite them. That is the sort of logical non sequitur this move is.



Thats not what it means but ok

KF should shut down. At this point its just autistic trannies talking shit about other autistic trannies in order to take focus off themselves
Yeah, it seems that KF is going the way of something awful right now. Will Kiwi Farms vs. EDF vs. Raid Forums war continue or will KF drop out the race?


After EDF went down I settled in at KF because it was sorta similar and used Xenforo but the userbase can be pretty unbearable at times. Its like a forum where 50% of users are Baya Rae.
Um powerlevel but...


EDF2 Survivor
Yeah, probably so. Raid Forums has thousands of active users on there, KF has maybe a few hundred while EDF has a dozen or two, if that.

Something Awful and NeoGAF still exist, surprisingly.
NeoFAG has by far the cringiest user base of them all, nintenyearolds and soyboys who can't even fucking open up a jar of pickles with a leverage tool of 2m in length. Whereas SA is like a beaten horse which by this point has been rendered into meatballs, fuck, I'm hungry.
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